Who Are the Real Extremists?

NRA is often vilified by the gun-ban community and its supporters in the mainstream, legacy media as an “extremist” organization because of its steadfast defense of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. A simple look into the anti-gun agenda, however, will show that proponents of restriction on a right protected by the U.S. Constitution are the true extremists. In Oregon, we see just how extreme the...

Another Study Blames Guns, Excludes Reality

A study published in Preventative Medicine by Yu Lu and Jeff R. Temple concludes that “the majority of mental health symptoms examined were not related to gun violence. Instead, access to firearms was the primary culprit.” The first caveat here is that the researchers did not measure or test “gun violence.” They asked respondents – young adults who at one time attended one of seven public high...

Polls: No Lasting Support for Gun Control One Year After Parkland

Thursday February 14 marked the one year anniversary of the terrible crimes at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. It was a somber occasion, but some media outlets couldn’t contain their glee this week that last year’s horror might finally advance the anti-gun agenda. A CNN headlined heralded “A new era on guns.” “After Parkland, everything is different,” Salon gushed. But a new...

HB 228: What the New Ohio Gun Laws Mean to You

House Bill 228 takes effect on March 28, 2019. Here are the changes and how they may affect you. The biggest change is easily the “burden shift.” For decades, Ohio has been the only state which required the victim of a deadly force encounter to prove self-defense if charged. The State could seize your property, deny your civil rights, and imprison you without ever proving a thing. No more! This...

Blast from the Past: Proof Found That Brady Campaign Still Exists!

Nostalgia gripped gun owners [recently] as longtime foe the Brady Campaign managed to garner a few measly headlines in the media landscape they once commanded so ably. As it happens, the Brady Campaign has decided to undergo another rebranding effort and will now go by simply “Brady.” For those counting, this is the fourth different name for the outmoded handgun prohibition organization...

Why do high school students think our rights come from the government?

Why do high school students think our rights come from the government? In the wake of last year’s Valentine’s Day massacre inside Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School , mainstream media repeatedly trotted out a small group of carefully selected Douglas students who served as the expert voices of America’s youth, demanding that something be done about gun violence – specifically “calling...

Legal challenge to Trump bump stock ban to have hearing today; Runs up against March 26 deadline

On February 20, 2018, President Trump issued a memorandum instructing the Attorney General "to dedicate all available resources to … propose for notice and comment a rule banning all devices that turn legal weapons into machineguns." His administration followed through on his wishes, and on December 18, 2018, Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker announced that the Department of Justice had...

Armed Ohio realtors turn tables on would-be attacker

WKRC (CBS Cincinnati) reported recently that two realtors - a father and son team - were forced to use their legally-concealed handguns to defend themselves when they were threatened by a violent intruder inside a vacant property. From the article : The house on S. 11th St. in Hamilton is vacant but last month, Kyle Morrical and his father, Phil Morrical III, got a call that someone had broken in...


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