Ohio teen attends NRA Youth Education Summit

The NRA Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.) has been taking some of America's brightest and most patriotic youth to Washington DC each summer for over two decades. The high school juniors and seniors spend an action packed week in the capital. They meet the leaders of our country, visit historical places and engage in enlightening competitive debates. The program has enriched and motivated scores of...

Why Libertarians Don't Win Elections

If you're unhappy with both Democrats and Republicans, you're not alone. Nearly everyone says they are disappointed with their own party and many long for an alternative on Election Day. So it would seem that Libertarians, who embrace key policy positions of both major parties, and tend to be hardcore gun rights supporters, should be able to win a fair number of elections. But they don't. Why? It...

Armed off-duty officer asked to leave "no-guns" victim zone in Ohio

Lost in the busy election season was a report about a "no-guns" victim zone in Olmstead Township, OH that is so off-the-rocker against people exercising their Constitutional right to self-defense that they even asked an armed off-duty police officer to leave. From an October 8 WEWS (ABC Cleveland) report : Swings-N-Things has its weapons policy posted right on the front door. Weapons are not...

Oakland University hands out hockey pucks to stop active killers

You know the saying: to stop a bad guy with a gun, you need a good guy with a ... hockey puck? Sounds crazy, but that's what they're saying at Oakland University in Michigan. From Fox News : A university in suburban Detroit is distributing hockey pucks as a form of self-defense against potential active shooters, according to reports. Because Oakland University has a no-weapons policy, university...

HB 228 (Fix Burden of Proof/ Concealed Carry Modernization) scheduled for first Senate hearing

Senator Bill Coley (R-Liberty Township), who chairs the Senate Government Oversight & Reform committee, has announced the first hearing for Sub. House Bill 228 (Fix Burden of Proof/ Concealed Carry Modernization) on Monday, December 3, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. in the Finance Hearing Room. The committee will consider both sponsor and proponent testimony. The Chair has also indicated that a second...

SHOCK: Persons obtain dozens of firearms without background check

According to so-called "common-sense" gun control extremists like Mark Kelley's "Americans for Responsible Solutions," all we have to do to keep criminals from gaining access to firearms is to mandate that a background check be done before all transfers of firearms. Pass "universal" background checks, we're told, close the "gun show loophole," we're told, and we can stop mass shootings! Indeed,...

House Democrats Outline Gun Control Agenda for 116th Congress

With anti-gun Democrats back in control of the House of Representatives come January, now is the time to prepare for a new onslaught on the Second Amendment. Emboldened by the mere thought of controlling the lower chamber, we are already seeing the warning signs of what will come for the next two years. First, virtually all Democrat leadership positions are likely to be filled by long-time anti-...

Washington Post Advice Columnist Gets it Right on Irrational Fear of School Shootings

These days the cynical adage “if it bleeds, it leads” seems as applicable to the news media as ever. This is all the more reason that Washington Post advice columnist Carolyn Hax should be applauded for a recent piece where she sought to quell her readers’ out-sized fears about school shootings. Titled, “ Apply the empirical method to your school-shooting anxieties ,” Hax urged her readers to...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.