Study: Stricter Gun Laws Haven’t Made Communities Safer from Mass Shootings

A trauma research team has developed a profile of commonalities among communities where mass shootings have occurred that includes a shortage of mental health professionals, a relative lack of socialization opportunities, higher rates of income inequality, and relatively high housing costs. ... The findings were presented [last week] at the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 2018 in...

Get out the pro-gun rights vote

It’s cliché but true. Whoever gets their people out to vote will win the election. If nothing else, President Trump’s win in 2016 proved that using past models to predict elections is a failed idea. Trump won Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. No Republican candidate has taken those three states since Ronald Reagan won 49 states in 1984, setting a record with 525 electoral votes. The same is...

Ohio NRA Board Members Make Endorsements for Nov. 6 General Election

Ohio’s three National Rifle Association Board Members have made joint endorsements for the upcoming General Election on November 6. Ohio’s NRA Board Members are Ken Blackwell (former Ohio Secretary of State and President Trump’s advisor), Linda Walker (Board Vice President of Buckeye Firearms Association and co-chair of President Trump’s Second Amendment Advisory Board), and Sean Maloney (Defense...

When politicians speak truthfully on guns, BELIEVE THEM

Ever want to know what a politician really thinks about gun ownership? Just listen to what they say when they don’t think you’re listening. We’ve been given a case study this week thanks to Project Veritas . U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) has claimed to support Second Amendment freedoms, but she cleared up any doubt when she was caught on camera saying she’d support a ban on modern sporting...

Study Finds Fewer People Willing to Answer Questions about Gun Ownership

A common thought (maybe even a rational one) is that gun owners hesitate to share their status as gun owners in surveys. It makes perfect sense, particularly in times of heightened concerns that anti-gun politicians are plotting to restrict our 2nd Amendment rights and the routine vilification of law-abiding gun owners by politicians, celebrities, and the media. A recent study confirmed that more...

Sportsmen and Women Pump More than $93 Billion into US Economy

NEWTOWN, Conn. — New economic reports reveal that more than 53 million Americans consider themselves sportsmen, spending more than $93.5 billion in 2016 on gear, licenses, travel, clothing, gas and more in connection with their hunting, target shooting and sportfishing activities. A series of reports released by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, American Sportfishing Association and the...

FBI Acknowledges Life-Saving Potential of Armed Citizens

“Armed and unarmed citizens engaged the shooter in 10 incidents. They safely and successfully ended the shootings in eight of those incidents. Their selfless actions likely saved many lives. The enhanced threat posed by active shooters and the swiftness with which active shooter incidents unfold support the importance of preparation by law enforcement officers and citizens alike.” Those are the...

Two weeks till Election Day!

It is two weeks till Election Day. November 6, 2018 is a critical day that will make possible or impossible many things for the next two years, and probably establish a trend for a longer period of time. In Ohio, there are eight statewide offices that Buckeye Firearms Association PAC has endorsed in. Some are obvious why they are important, and others are more subtle, but every election matters...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.