Op-Ed: No one would accept, in any other national discussion, the level of ignorance seen in the gun debate

...It’s remarkable that so many proponents of stricter regulations appear to be generally ignorant of not just the minutiae of firearms, but also the basics. It’s also remarkable that this ignorance continues unabated, even after several recent mass shootings. Journalists Adam Weinstein and Zack Beauchamp defend the generally ill-informed, claiming some in the pro-Second Amendment camp prefer to...

CMP Seeking Staff Assistance for 2018 National Matches

After a successful first year with a crew of outstanding and knowledgeable range personnel, the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) is again in search of individuals to serve as members of NM Support Staff during our 2018 National Match events, held in July. CMP NM Support Staff will be assisting with CMP National Match events only and will be picked from a selection process through all received...

Toward less gun control, not more

Eliminating gun-free zones is a good place to start At a time when students and those on the left of the political spectrum are crying for more gun control in the mistaken belief that it will reduce mass shootings, less gun control might cut down on the number of innocents murdered. Perhaps the most horrifying mass shooting in this century was the murder of 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary...

Ohio to receive $23,356,598 in grants thanks to gun owners, manufacturers, and hunters

You are invited to join Aurelia Skipwith, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish, Wildlife and Parks for the U.S. Department of the Interior to announce the disbursement of the Pittman-Robertson grants to Ohio. This year the grants total over $1.1 billion. Ohio will be receiving $23,356,598. Background on Pittman-Robertson Grants: Pittman-Robertson grants are funded by an excise tax on long guns,...

NRA: Don’t use tax dollars to promote gun control

Problem is researchers who are unable to drop their anti-gun bias In the wake of the tragedy in Parkland, Fla., the media are claiming that the NRA and our supporters in Congress are opposed to government-funded research on criminal violence perpetrated with firearms. Nothing could be further from the truth. We, along with a majority of Americans, believe that research is important in identifying...

RSVP Reminder: 2018 Candidates Reception

The Sportsmen’s Alliance will host its Candidates Reception on Tuesday, March 20, at the Athletic Club in downtown Columbus from 6-8 p.m. All Ohio sportsmen are encouraged to attend! The event is free of charge. Food and refreshments will be served thanks to the support of our sponsors, which recently includes the addition of the Ohio state chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation. “The...

Parkland Aftermath: Lessons in Progress and Lessons Learned

The weeks since the horrific school shooting in Florida have been learning experiences for almost everyone. Students, teachers, police officers, parents and extended families of the victims learned the most grisly lesson of all: no matter how safe you think you are, bad things still happen to good people. Some politicians have learned that, despite their best efforts to the contrary, not everyone...

Florida Governor and legislature put politics before children’s lives

The Florida state legislature has passed, and Governor Rick Scott has signed into law Senate Bill 7026, also known as the “Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act.” Quite simply, they put the politics of the day ahead of good policy, ahead of expert advice, ahead of common sense, and ahead of the children’s lives. It was more important for them to stick a finger in the NRA’s eye in...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.