Joe Biden: Hero Who Ended Texas Rampage Shouldn’t Have Had His Gun

Most Americans consider Stephen Willeford a hero for bravely ending the rampage of a crazed murderer at a Texas church … but not former Vice President Joe Biden. During a national television appearance on Monday, Biden dismissed the Texan’s valorous actions, going so far as to say he shouldn’t have been carrying the AR-15 he used to stop the killer. Biden, who is eyeing a presidential run in 2020...

From CO Walmart To TX Church: Credit Brave Armed Citizens

This article originally published at . Republished with permission. The two recent incidents I will discuss highlight the utility of the armed citizen in the context of an active killer scenario. The typical active killer prefers to target locations that prohibit people from legally carrying concealed weapons. That is why we rarely hear about armed citizens stopping...

Renovations complete at Harrison State Forest Shooting Range

As part of an ongoing effort to upgrade and expand public shooting ranges, the Ohio Division of Wildlife and Division of Forestry have completed a $381,000 overhaul to Harrison State Forest Shooting Range. This included a $25,000 NRA Public Range Grant. Upgrades include ... Expanding the shooting line from 7 benches to 12 Raising the side berm and backstop height for safety Installing a new...

City of Chicago Uses Trace Report to Deflect From Its Own Failed Governance

[Last month] brought more proof that Chicago’s feckless public officials have perfected the art of scapegoating. On Sunday [October 29] the city released the second edition of its Gun Trace Report. The document presents a host of ATF trace data on firearms recovered in the crime-plagued metropolis and attempts to shift blame for the city’s violence to the Illinois General Assembly, the state...

Should US study gun violence as a public health hazard? No

The following op-ed originally appeared in the Columbus Dispatch . Republished with permission of author. Focus on enforcing laws, not agenda-driven research Decades ago, gun-control advocates spoke honestly about their motives. They openly disputed that the Second Amendment affirmed the right to own a gun, and said their goal was to make guns illegal, create a federal database of guns and gun...

Congress Needs to Hear from YOU on National Right to Carry!

As the first session of this Congress comes to a close, the media is focusing on the administration’s plan for tax cuts. And while it’s certainly true federal officials have their hands full reigning in the excesses of the last administration, our elected officials need to hear from law-abiding gun owners to ensure that they protect and expand the right to keep and bear arms. With the clock...

Senate Bill 180 (Fix Burden of Proof/ Concealed Carry Modernization) scheduled for second hearing

Senator Kevin Bacon (R-Minerva Park), who chairs the Judiciary Committee, has announced a second hearing for Senate Bill 180 (Concealed Carry Modernization) on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 10:15 a.m. in the North Hearing Room. The committee will consider proponent testimony. Buckeye Firearms Association President Jim Irvine will testify in support of the bill. SB 180, introduced last month by...

It's "the nut behind the bolt" that make guns dangerous

Despite attempts to link Sunday's mass shooting [in Texas] and the carnage in Las Vegas to a "gun problem" in the United States, I'm not buying. And not just because I happen to believe in two things that aren't particularly smiled on in today's "post-Christian" society: the Second Amendment and God. Guns, like rental trucks, are inanimate objects. As I was taught as a youth, "it's the nut behind...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.