UK: Growing Support for Arming More Police

The UK’s fear of firearms, and potential weapons of all kinds, is well-documented. Subjects are urged not to carryany item, such as pepper spray, that might be adapted for self-defense. Officers take to social media to boast of “weapons sweeps” that turn up old kitchen knives, baseball bats, and sharpened sticks. In 2009, the Home Office even contemplated replacing traditional glass pint glasses...

Washington Post Employs Deceptive Tactic on “Children” and Guns

The Washington Post has surpassed the Brady Campaign and Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety to take a place alongside the New York Times as the premier anti-gun propagandists in the country. While those gun control groups have been known to pervert the facts to fit their agenda, a recent Post article and accompanying editorial go where even the most hardline gun control groups no longer...

Everytown and Hollywood Launch New Campaign Against Pro-gun Legislation

In the wake of the still-unfolding Harvey Weinstein scandal, one might have thought that America would receive a brief reprieve from Hollywood’s ceaseless moralizing. However, on October 18, 2017, Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, actress Julianne Moore, and handful of other entertainers launched a new effort aimed at NRA and the right to keep and bear arms. Dubbed #RejectTheNRA, the...

House passes Sub. HB 142 (Modify LEO Notification) [UPDATE: VOTE TALLIES]

Substitute House Bill 142 (Modify LEO Notification), sponsored by Representatives Scott Wiggam (R-Wooster) & Glenn Holmes (D-McDonald), has been passed by the House of Representatives with a bi-partisan 69-24 vote. As originally introduced, HB 142 sought to eliminate the requirement that, when detained for a law-enforcement purpose, a concealed handgun license (CHL) holder must "promptly...

Concealed Carry Is Mainstream: Ohio Issuing 16 Licenses per Hour

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine (R) has released the Concealed Handgun License (CHL) statistics for the second quarter of 2017. The Buckeye State has established another record for number of people with an Ohio CHL. During the second quarter Ohio Sheriff’s issued 22,306 initial CHL’s, 14,647 renewed CHLs and 12 Temporary Emergency Licenses (TELs). There are now over 627,000 active Ohio CHL’s,...

Sub. HB 142 (Modify LEO Notification) scheduled for vote in House

Substitute House Bill 142 (Modify LEO Notification), sponsored by Representative Scott Wiggam (R-Wooster), has been scheduled for a vote in the House of Representatives tomorrow, October 24. As originally introduced, HB 142 sought to eliminate the requirement that, when detained for a law-enforcement purpose, a concealed handgun license (CHL) holder must "promptly inform" an approaching law...

Let's talk about what REALLY reduces violent crime

Whenever there's a violent crime involving a gun, the response from gun control advocates is predictable. They always say, "let's talk about more gun laws." High-capacity magazine bans. Assault weapon bans. Universal background checks. No gun zones. Ammo taxes. Microstamping. You name it, gun control groups want it. The problem is, their proposals seldom have any relationship to the crime they're...

SHOCK: Persons obtain 26 firearms without background check

According to so-called "common-sense" gun control extremists like Mark Kelley's "Americans for Responsible Solutions," all we have to do to keep criminals from gaining access to firearms is to mandate that a background check be done before all transfers of firearms. Pass "universal" background checks, we're told, close the "gun show loophole," we're told, and we can stop mass shootings! Indeed,...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.