HB 48 (Eliminate many 'no-guns' victim zones) scheduled for hearings in Senate committee

Chairman William Coley II has announced that the Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee will be hearing proponent testimony on HB 48 (Eliminate many 'no-guns' victim zones) on Tuesday, November 29 at 8:30 a.m. in the North Hearing Room, and proponent/opponent/interested party testimony on Wednesday, November 30 at 8:45 a.m. in the Finance Hearing Room. The chairman has indicated that...

Thanksgiving: George Washington's 1789 Proclamation

Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor -- and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me "to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful...

NRA Moving National High Power Rifle Championships from Camp Perry

In an effort to keep the National High Power Rifle Championships up to the high standards that competitors have enjoyed for over one-hundred years, the NRA will move the Championship from its historic home at Camp Perry, OH, to Camp Atterbury, IN. This change in venue will take effect during the 2017 National Matches, pending approval by the NRA Board of Directors in January 2017. Dennis Willing...

The “Educational Beatdown”

Rory Miller and Marc MacYoung often talk about social dynamics and what they call an “Educational Beatdown.” The best description of this phenomenon is found in Rory Miller’s article More About Violence Dynamics . Rory says: “Most of the people reading this will be comfortable products of comfortable homes with significant education and socialization. This is the norm in North America, where I...

What is a trauma class and why is it worth three hours of my time?

It has been well over two years since we called for a trauma kit in every school building . At first only a few schools took the call seriously, but over the past year we have seen a steady increase in interest in both the supplies, and the training to use them. This year several districts have held trauma classes for staff. The class we offer is a three hour class. It is a distilled class taking...

Just in Case: The Rationale of Spare Magazines

From our friends at Second Call Defense ... Whether it's because of the inconvenience of yet another item to carry (and conceal), or the old saw, "if I can't get it done in [insert an arbitrary number of rounds here], more probably won't help," many gun owners who carry a defensive firearm "just in case" deride fellow CCW holders who choose to carry one or even two spare magazines ... "just in...

Are Those Really Gunshots?

[Recently], I was reading an article about last year’s San Bernardino active killer attack. The article summarized the attack which eventually led to 14 people being killed and 22 more being wounded. While reading through the victims’ statements, I was stunned yet again to see how many of the victims were in denial about the attack, even after hearing gunshots. Like many other active killer...

Police, Firefighters Urge Support For Bill To Arm Tactical Medics

The Gongwer News Service is reporting that police and emergency medical personnel told a House committee this week that a pending bill ( HB 529 ) to arm tactical medical responders would enable them to better protect victims and themselves. Those testifying were met with objections from Rep. John Boccieri (D-Alliance). From the article : The representative's sticking point is language granting...


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