Recent UN Arms Trade Treaty Conference Marks Dangerous Shift in U.S. Policy

August 22 marked the opening date of the week-long Second Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty in Geneva, Switzerland. It also marked a clear shift in U.S. strategy for dealing with this international gun control effort. Historically, UN meetings open with flowery remarks welcoming States Parties and others in attendance to the beginning of a week of discussions. This year that...

Hillary's 'solutions' for killing sprees don't address 2 core problems

(Image source: Yucel) Democrats have declared gun control as one of their top campaign issues this year (though they call it “gun safety,” “gun reform” or “gun violence prevention” instead of gun control – those terms poll better). They are betting that GunVoters are not really the political powerhouse that we have been reputed to be, and that after atrocities like the San...

Yes, Hillary will abolish the Second Amendment

Donald Trump was widely criticized by media, Democrats and even some Republicans after he made a joke regarding Second Amendment remedies to Hillary Clinton’s plan to “essentially abolish” the Second Amendment. As if “reporters,” commentators and politicians were all reading from the same script, they consistently pointed out that Clinton had no such intentions – in spite of the fact that this is...

Headline: Forming a Black Firearms Movement in Today’s Climate

Photo: Jeannine A. Cook On a May afternoon at the “Solutionary License to Carry Drive” at the Philadelphia Firearms Academy, men and women filed inside, where they walked through a gun license application process and paid a $35 fee across the street at the official licensing center. Enrollees listened in on panels discussing gun safety, conflict resolution and more. It was the pilot program of a...

Doctor Prescribes Requiring a “Medical License” for Gun Ownership

In a recent Medical Economics blog, Dr. Monya De wrote a piece titled, “Obtaining an assault rifle should be as difficult as becoming a doctor.” In this outlandish article, De illustrates the difficulties medical students must go through in order to practice medicine. She calls them “model citizens, because model citizens should be the ones holding lives in their hands.” She lists the “strenuous...

Ted Strickland: We built him up; it’s our duty to take him down

(AP Photo/David Kohl) For nearly a decade, I’ve referred to Ted Strickland as a “friend.” It always hurts when you lose a friend, but it hurts more when the friend hurts you or betrays your trust. Such things are normally best handled quietly and privately, and I’ve long said I would not air dirty laundry, even as others have told me I must. I see now they are right; this is not just something I...

New York Times Issues Ridiculous Anti-NRA Screed

At the same time establishment newspapers are openly abandoning their usual façade of impartiality in their news coverage, their editorial boards have been working overtime to elect Hillary Clinton. However, few have been doing Robby Mook and David Brock’s work for them quite like the New York Times, as evidenced by a ridiculous pro-Clinton/anti-NRA screed that appeared in the August 14 edition...

The REAL Threat to Gun Owner Rights: A Runaway Federal Government

(Author's Note: this article highlights a course of action for American gun owners to overrule any future federal regulation, Presidential executive order, or Supreme Court decision that restricts or diminishes Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. This course of action is independent of court challenges to federal rulings harmful to Second Amendment rights. As explained herein, the key...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.