Reacting to The Threat of/from Orlando

[In the short time] after the Orlando murders, the battle lines have been drawn. And the coming fight over even more legislation to regulate the law-abiding citizen (criminals are never bothered by laws) has apparently driven some legislators mad as hatters. In California, Senator Isadore Hall called gun owners "crazy, vicious and heartless." He doubled down and said if you were a gun owner you...

Hey New York Times...What “Strong Case” for Gun Registration?

Most guns aren’t registered, most gun owners aren’t licensed, and firearm-related violent crime is at nearly an all-time low, but in the New York Times [recently], gun control supporter Alan Berlow claimed that “the case for registration and licensing is stronger now than ever.” The rest of Berlow’s theory is just as illogical. Berlow says that because the federal government hasn’t confiscated...

“Journalists” Renew Attack Upon “Assault Weapons”

Katie Couric may be the journalist – we use the term loosely – that for the last few days has been taking the most heat for dishonest coverage of guns. But some in the TV “news” business have been just as dishonest in the past, and others are just as dishonest today. In the early days of the “assault weapon” issue, network news programs ran footage of machine guns being fired during stories about...

No Surprise, Gun Control Initiatives Are Funded by a Few Anti-Gun Billionaires

Contrary to the grassroots image that anti-gun groups try to portray, their funding continues to come from large donations by billionaires who are driving an anti-gun agenda. Perhaps the worst examples of this trend can be found in Nevada and Maine where voters will consider gun control ballot initiatives this November. In each state, nearly identical ballot language seeks to require every...

NRA Op-Ed: Gun laws don't deter terrorists

Destroy radical Islam, not the right of law-abiding Americans to protect themselves. Americans were shocked and disgusted to learn of another act of terrorism on our soil, this time in Orlando. In the aftermath of this terrorist attack, President Obama and Hillary Clinton renewed calls for more gun control, including a ban on whole categories of semi-automatic firearms. They are desperate to...

The Orlando Pulse terror attack: Learning from what we know now

Early Sunday morning on June 12, a murder (who won’t be named here) pledging fealty to the Islamic terrorist group ISIS, entered an Orlando gay nightclub and shot more than 100 people. Preliminary accounts indicate that 49 innocent victims were killed and an additional 54 victims were hospitalized with injuries. It is likely that countless more were injured but did not seek immediate medical...

Self Defense Class Offered for LGBT Community

Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) has announced that they will conduct a free self-defense class for residents of Central Ohio. Titled “Introduction to Self Defense with a Firearm,” the class will be open to everyone, including the LGBT community. “We're saddened by the tragic murders in Orlando,” said Dean Rieck, Executive Director of BFA. “But we're also angry. While we still don't know all...

Op-Ed: In an active killer terror attack, waiting will get you killed

We now have a new high score. The mass murder inside a gay nightclub in Orlando has surpassed the Aurora, CO theater shooting as having the highest number of victims and highest number of murders among active shooter attacks in the US. Political gamesmanship will fill the media for the weeks to follow the massacre, but will government leaders, business owners or education administrators do...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.