7 tips for summer weather concealed carry

The weather is warming and it's time to switch to summer methods of concealed carry. For some, it’s not a big deal. You may carry the same way all year long. For others, the shorts and T-shirts are coming out, and concealment will become more of a challenge. Here are some methods of warm weather concealed carry. These could be helpful if you dress to stay cool but still want to stay armed. 1...

Armed Worship: Mixing God and Guns

Lawful concealed carry and religion intersected in the news recently as Mississippi considered a law to “allow” churches to form church security committees for the protection of the congregation and, with training, for security committee members to carry concealed guns. Previous Mississippi law prohibited concealed carry in a church. The reaction was swift and shrill, with predictions of blood in...

Katie Couric is only latest in a long line of deceptive anti-gun journalists

Late last month, the Washington Free Beacon revealed that the makers of a new Katie Couric documentary on gun violence deceptively edited an interview between Couric and a group of gun rights activists in an apparent attempt to embarrass the activists. From the article : At the 21:48 mark of Under the Gun a scene of Katie Couric interviewing members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, a gun...

The 5 Stages of Violent Crime

Most people see violence as a random event. But actually, violent acts, and crimes in general, follow a fairly regular process. Since the ultimate form of self defense is avoiding a fight altogether, understanding the crime process and spotting the signs of potential violence can help you stay safe. There are different ways to describe the process of violent crime, but one of the most popular was...

Your Tactical Training Scenario…Molested at the Beach

You are relaxing on a public beach. Your eyes are closed and you are lying in the sand, enjoying the sun. You feel something touch your leg and open your eyes. You see a large man (6’1” and 200lbs) squatting down beside you. He is stroking your leg with one hand and stroking his exposed genitals with the other. What would you do? A woman in Myrtle Beach South Carolina was confronted with that...

Sen. Schumer Introduces Gun Control Bill After Brady Campaign Tantrum

For the past several months, Brady Campaign President Dan Gross has been repeatedly telling anyone who will listen that support for gun control is at a “tipping point.” Gross’ theory suffered a blow [recently] as the Brady Campaign resorted to begging their ally, gun control stalwart Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), to introduce a new version of his Fix Gun Checks Act. According to an account by...

Expect your gun to be seized - and NOT returned to you

When counseling our members on how to prepare for the aftermath of self defense, we tell them to expect certain things: Expect the police to treat you like a criminal. Expect to be handcuffed. Expect to be questioned at length. Expect to have your words examined in detail. Expect to be taken to jail. It's not that all these things will certainly happen, but we recommend that you expect them to...

Ninth Circuit Holds that Second Amendment Protects the Right to Acquire Firearms

On Monday [May 23], the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held that the right to keep and bear arms necessarily includes the right to acquire them. The case, Teixeira v. County of Alameda, involves a challenge to an Alameda County zoning ordinance that prohibits gun stores from operating within 500 feet of a residentially zoned district. The plaintiffs in the case wished to...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.