Dayton Daily News documents gun advocates' legislative progress in the Buckeye State

The Dayton Daily News has a long history of using our First Amendment rights to bash our Second Amendment right to bear arms. Witness the 2002 editorial claiming a pending concealed carry bill was "harmful, narrow politics," or the 2 004 op-ed expressing fears that the persons getting new concealed handgun licenses "could be the Mom who drives your kid to the birthday party. The workman who comes...

5 things authorities don't want you to know about calling 911

You might think you know all you need to know about calling 911 after using a firearm for self defense. But most likely, you got your information from TV and movies, which are not the best sources. Watch a character on TV call 911, and it appears to be a quick and painless process. The person calls, tells the operator what happened, and police show up to comfort you and immediately cart away the...

Rep. Tom Emmer Introduces Firearm Due Process Protection Act

[Last month], Representative Tom Emmer (R-MN) introduced H.R. 4980, the Firearm Due Process Protection Act. This legislation is meant to ensure that eligible firearms purchasers are not arbitrarily denied their right to obtain firearms. The Act would afford those who are denied a firearm purchase by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) an effective and expeditious means of...

12 Effects of Post Shooting Syndrome

Defending yourself with a gun is not something any rational person ever wants to do. It's something you do only when there is no other choice. And the personal toll it can take on your mental wellbeing can be surprising, often referred to as "post shooting syndrome." TV dramas and blockbuster movies portray good guys shooting bad guys in heroic fashion. But in the real world, it seldom feels...

Your Tactical Training Scenario - Denial

Read the first paragraph of this article about the 2011 active killer event in Arizona. “Pam Simon’s first thought was “this is not happening.” The aide to Gabrielle Giffords’ next thought was “that’s a toy gun.” A moment later: “It’s happening.” This shooting was so outside her reality that she couldn’t accept what was happening. Her brain was trying to rationalize it as anything but an attempt...

Exceptions to Justifiable Use of Deadly Force

We've written about when it is justifiable to use deadly force . To quote from our own previous article: While specific laws vary, it is generally accepted in every state in the U.S. that you have a right to defend yourself with lethal force. Whether you exercise this right legally is based on the "reasonable man" doctrine. In other words, would a reasonable person in the same situation be likely...

Old Ammo - Will it Still Work?

In my former job as the police department’s armorer, it was my responsibility to dispose of all the old ammunition that people brought in to the department. You would be shocked at the amount and type of old ammunition I saw. Rarely did a week go by that I didn’t have some old dirty box, bag, or crate of ammo sitting on my desk when I arrived in the morning. A woman once donated 20 rounds of...

Should I Provide First Aid to the Attacker I Just Shot?

(Image source: I had an interesting question posed to me by a student in the Systems Collapse Medical Class I taught [recently] in Virginia. He asked me: “ If I have to shoot a criminal in a gunfight, should I provide first aid before the paramedics arrive? ” It’s a good question. I’m probably going to ruffle a few feathers with my answer, but I maintain that an armed citizen...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.