SHOCK: Man obtains 17 firearms in less than two minutes without background check

To listen to President Obama and his gun ban extremist friends tell it, all we have to do to keep criminals from gaining access to firearms is to mandate that a background check be done before all transfers of firearms. Pass "universal" background checks, we're told, close the "gun show loophole," we're told, and we can stop mass shootings! Indeed, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV)...

Columbus homeowner defends life from armed home-invaders; Dead attacker once charged with shooting friend in face

Columbus media are reporting that a homeowner is safe after having been forced to use a firearm to defend their life from two armed attackers during an attempted home invasion. From WCMH (NBC Columbus): According to the Columbus Division of Police, at about 2:13 a.m., officers responded to the report of shots fired in the area of 2993 Howey Road. When police arrived on scene they found 21-year-...

Of Tamir Rice, police shootings, “journalism” and racism

In a recent story in US News & World Report titled “ Tamir Rice Shooting: Not Just a Tragedy How did a child with a toy gun get shot by police in an open-carry state? ”, Joseph Williams makes the case that the shooting of Tamir Rice was wrong and racist. Williams cites experts' (though he never tells us who these so-called experts are, or why he considers them experts) assertion that this was...

Americans respond to Obama's executive actions by visiting gun stores and joining the NRA

As pro-gun groups organize opposition strategies to President Obama's Executive Actions, anti-gun groups that began Tuesday filled with confidence are asking a simple question: "what happened?" The measures they cheered so lustily were immediately rejected by an American public that is still snapping up guns, ammo, magazines and large chunks of stocks in America's gun companies. Wednesday, the...

2016 – Firearms and the Year Ahead

This is the second year of the two-year political sessions, both in Ohio and at the federal level. All bills that have not passed by the end of this year will die. This puts increased pressure on everyone to get the job done. We will elect a new president this year, who will almost certainly replace multiple U.S. Supreme Court justices, shaping not just the court but our country for the next...

No Charges Filed, But Legal Firearms Confiscated Anyway

We've raised concerns before about how proposed "gun violence restraining orders" and similar firearm surrender orders can be abused and issued in cases where the police lack sufficient evidence for an arrest and simply wish to deprive an individual of the right to bear arms, and on how difficult it can be to get property back after the government seizes it. These concerns are magnified when such...

Executive Orders: President Obama reverses President Clinton's brand of gun control, but the goal is the same

The tactics employed by President Obama’s in his latest executive orders, purportedly done in the name of preventing crimes committed with guns, represent a reversal of gun control strategy used by Bill Clinton and his then-Treasury Secretary Lloyd Benson, supposedly done with the exact same goal in mind. During his administration, President Clinton set about to tackle the crime problem by...

Op-Ed: It’s not a gun problem, it’s a people problem

Another mass shooting, and yet another call for more gun control — the same old broken record. Despite the statistical fact that some of America’s most violent cities also have the toughest gun control laws, too many people still believe the anti-gun rhetoric. History tells me a different story. Until the 1968 passage of a bill prohibiting interstate transfers to individuals, there were virtually...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.