Cash-strapped Cleveland continues to destroy thousands upon thousands of dollars in firearms despite program's proven failure

In recent years, headlines have told the tale of a bleak financial picture in cities like Cleveland, Columbus and Toledo. Fewer police officers, layoffs, pay freezes, and reduced services. In this cash-strapped atmosphere, does it really make any sense for bureaucrats to destroy thousands upon thousands of dollars in city property that could instead be sold? Unfortunately, that is exactly what...

Trustworthiness Issues? Politifact Calls Out Clinton Deception

That there are apparently still people (though, increasingly few) that find Hillary Clinton at all trustworthy is becoming more and more incredible. Late last week, Politifact took Clinton to task over comments she made about the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA). According to Politifact, at a campaign event in Iowa, Clinton remarked “[p]robably one of the most egregious, wrong,... at the OSBA conference

FASTER Saves Lives will have a booth at this year’s Ohio School Board Association’s “Capital Conference.” We were so well received last year that we have doubled our booth space this year. We will have various people at the booth including an attorney, Superintendent and John Benner of Tactical Defense Institute to discuss options for preventing, stopping, and treating injured from an active...

Hillary Adopts the 40% Myth to Argue for Gun Control

Among the many issues standing between Hillary Clinton and the White House is what various media outlets have delicately labeled a “credibility problem.” Politico was more blunt in an August 27 article, asking, “Can Hillary overcome the ‘liar’ factor?” That piece went on to cite a Quinnipiac University poll, in which 61% of respondents indicated they did not believe Hillary was honest and...

One of the reasons for the FBI's move to 9mm ammo just might surprise you

Having been a gun rights writer for over 13 years, I'm usually able to gauge whatever the current meme floating around social media is by the number of times it is forwarded to me by readers who think I might be interested in covering it. I appreciate their taking the time to do so, and in some cases I do find that the topics are worth sharing with readers. One such news item...

Pro-Gun Representatives Introduce Hearing Protection Act to Reform Outdated Suppressor Laws

[Recently], Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ) introduced H.R. 3799, the Hearing Protection Act (HPA). Joining him were 10 co-sponsors, including Representatives Frank Guinta (R-NH), John Carter (R-TX), Mike Kelly (R-PA), Chris Collins (R-NY), Glenn Thompson (R-PA), Tim Huelskamp (R-KS), Trent Franks (R-AZ), Mia Love (R-UT), Doug LaMalfa (R-CA), and Chris Stewart (R-UT). The HPA would remove sound...

Naked and Afraid: Fighting an Active Shooter When You are Unarmed

In case you’ve missed the recent news coverage, four unarmed Americans and one unarmed Brit teamed up to take out a terrorist active killer on a train traveling between Amsterdam and Paris. A complete news account and timeline of the extraordinary act of heroism is available HERE . When we look at past active shooter events, we see that the most successful outcomes happen when an armed individual...

Op-Ed: The Progressive Gun-Control Charade

After tragedy, politicians glibly call for unworkable reforms—then blame the ‘gun lobby’ when they fail. In the wake of horrific crimes like the recent mass shooting in Oregon, many in the political class respond as if there were an easy way to keep such tragedies from happening. If it weren’t for the stubbornness of the National Rifle Association, the story goes, these deadly incidents could be...


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