Why I believe gun rights advocates SHOULD comment after mass shootings

" Somehow this has become routine. The reporting is routine. My response here at this podium ends up being routine, the conversation in the aftermath of it ... We have become numb to this. " - President Barack Obama, October 1, 2015 President Obama is right: the response to mass shootings in "gun-free" zones has indeed become routine. Gun ban extremists (including the president himself) don't...

2015 Gun Rights Policy Conference in Phoenix – one of the best

As I sit on my flight from Phoenix (PHX) to Cleveland (CLE) on my way home from the Second Amendment Foundation’s (SAF) Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) my head is swirling with ideas from the weekend. This is my normal state of mind returning from this conference, as it’s always entertaining and educational - but this year was exceptional. The NRA has seen record attendance at its annual...

Pro-gun rights bills scheduled for proponent testimony in Senate committee

Chairman Kevin Bacon has announced that the Senate Civil Justice Committee will be hearing proponent testimony on Senate Bill 180 (Protect Workers' Constitutional Rights) and Senate Bill 199 (Active Duty Armed Forces Concealed Carry/ Handgun Transfer) on Wednesday, October 7 at 2:30 p.m. in the Senate Finance Hearing Room. Any persons who are interested in testifying are welcome to contact Jim...

Rep. Sam Johnson introduces bill to protect Social Security recipients from the Obama gun grab

[Recently], Congressman Sam Johnson (R-Tex.) introduced H.R. 3516, the “Social Security Beneficiary 2nd Amendment Rights Protection Act.” The purpose of the bill is to protect recipients of Social Security from being forced to choose between benefits to which they are legally entitled and their Second Amendment rights. Since July, we’ve been reporting on the Social Security Administration’s (SSA...

Cleveland road rage incident - NO shots fired

Cleveland.com is reporting on a road rage incident involving two men who were armed with guns, the aggressor was carrying illegally, while the victim was legally licensed to carry. Some may recall claims by gun ban extremists during the fight to pass concealed carry here in Ohio over a decade ago that normally non-violent encounters between drivers were going to turn deadly, that road rage...

IMPORTANT Seminar Oct. 24: "Preparing for Terror - The Massacre Coming to Your School"

You saw the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001 when 4 airplanes were hijacked and flown into the World Trade Towers, Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania field. And there have been more attacks in the years since ... Trolley Square Mall, Ft. Hood, Navy Yard, Boston Bombing and more. Home-grown terrorists are among us and can cause severe trauma and death to those they target, but a far larger threat many be...

How to Help a Cop During a Life-Threatening Struggle - Part I

I recently received a very interesting question from a friend and fellow blogger. He asked the following: “How should an armed citizen best help a police officer if that officer is under violent attack from another individual or group of individuals?” It’s a great question. I think many folks with CCW licenses would be willing to help a cop in trouble. As a cop, I welcome all the help I can get...

Gallup: More Americans Say Federal Government a Threat

The Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution is there for a simple reason: Our Founding Fathers wisely understood that even a national government of supposedly limited powers could overstep its bounds and infringe upon the rights of the people. In the landmark Heller decision, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized that the Founders considered the Second Amendment a failsafe that would provide the...


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