Regal Cinemas announces plan to search movie patrons

Thanks to a new emphasis on searching the bags of moviegoers, the Regal Cinemas chain is treating its customers to its own brand of security theater. According to a story appearing on NPR , the theater chain has always reserved the right to inspect backpacks and the like to intercept bootleg food and drinks. Now, however, the company is claiming ticket takers will be routinely conducting searches... highlights BFA article on gun ban extremists "swatting" gun owners

On Monday, August 31, my article entitled " Anti-Gun Group Wants Gun Owners Killed? " was published at The article documents a recent case of the rabidly anti-self-defense Coalition to Stop Gun Violence becoming the latest gun control extremist group to advocate calling police any time they see a gun owner in public. I correctly identified the practice for what it is: "...

Observations on the Virginia news crew murders

I’m not going to write an in-depth article on the recent Virginia news crew killings. While the attack loosely qualifies as an “active killer” event, the victims weren’t randomly chosen. This was the work of a man who had a serious mental illness. He was trying to make a statement, but wasn’t going for the massive body count that we see in most active killer crimes. There are however, a couple of...

The Virginia news crew murders and media agenda to bury the truth

On Wednesday, August 26th, as the event was broadcast live, a deranged former journalist bent on revenge and a twisted desire to start a race war, murdered two of his former colleagues. We all know the basic story, and many have seen the first-person shooter footage shot by the killer as he murdered Alison Parker and Adam Ward, and wounded Vicki Gardner. This set the wheels in motion in news...

Juniors Prove Future of Marksmanship is Bright During 2015 National Matches

As part of our mission, the CMP is dedicated to teaching youth the fundamentals of marksmanship and gun safety. With growing participation in our numerous clinics and matches designed towards advancing their knowledge and celebrating their talents, juniors across the country have proven the future of marksmanship in the United States is undoubtedly progressing. The following is a list of some of...

Guaranteed Ways to Lose Hunting Access

The outdoor industry has been making a big push over the past two years to assure access to the country's public lands. It has largely been effective, with some states having gone so far as to pass laws guaranteeing access rights to hunter, shooters and anglers. But there's also a largely unrecognized pushback to block that access in what has been recognized as the Achilles heel of the access...

Famed Law Professor, Defense Attorney Latest to Suggest Second Amendment Needs to Go

The legal profession is full of blowhards, egomaniacs, hypocrites, and elitists, but even so, rarely are all those qualities present in a single individual to the same degree as in Alan Dershowitz. At age 28, Dershowitz became the youngest full professor of law in history with his appointment at Harvard. And, yes, it went to his head. He has written that he “does not hide behind the distorting...

Anti-Gun Group Wants Gun Owners Killed?

Earlier this month, rabidly anti-self-defense Coalition to Stop Gun Violence became the latest gun control extremist group to advocate calling police any time they see a gun owner in public. These types of "man with a gun" calls result in law enforcement showing up with guns drawn, ready to stop a lethal threat, putting innocent gun owners in danger of being killed. The practice is called "...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.