Guns vs. Cars Comparison is No Accident

In the Art of War , Chinese military theoretician Sun Tzu advised, “appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” Since gun control supporters are trying to make guns look bad by comparing the number of gun-related deaths to those due to motor vehicle accidents, they’re apparently applying the second part of Sun Tzu’s advice. To feign strength, gun control supporters have been...

Ohio CHL-holder chases away robbers on Dayton crime spree

WKEF , Dayton's ABC affiliate, reported recently that a trio of armed robbers on a crime spree revealed themselves nothing but cowards when they were confronted by an Ohio concealed handgun license-holder. From the report : Calls to 911 and several surveillance videos are shedding more light on this morning's string of robberies during which three suspects hit three stores, all within an hour...

Latest field reports from ODNR Division of Wildlife Officers highlight need to obey hunting regulations

Central Ohio – Wildlife District One State Wildlife Officer Chad Grote recently attended a hunter education class in Marion County. While at the class he went outside to retrieve prizes for students who answered questions correctly. He noticed a vehicle that was suspected of driving off-road at Delaware Wildlife Area. After checking photographs Officer Grote confirmed it was the same vehicle...

Good Guy with a Gun: The Arming of Teachers in America

In the wake of the Sandy Hook massacres in Newtown, Connecticut, Buckeye Firearms Foundation announced that we would pay for a trial course for teachers and school staff to be trained by John Benner of Tactical Defense Institute. The response from media, and school employees was overwhelming. One class grew into the FASTER Saves Lives program and interest continues to grow. In 2014, I was...

Your Tactical Training Scenario…Post Office Stabbing

You are in the Post Office standing in line to mail a package. When you get to the counter, the Post Office clerk informs you that you need to fill out some more paperwork before mailing your item. The clerk instructs you to step aside and complete the form. He then tells you that when you are finished, you may step ahead of the other customers in line to complete the transaction. You do as you...

How the News Media Skews Reporting of Mass Murders

“Research on the content of crime news has long shown that the news media misrepresent the social reality of crime. Although news organizations are obligated to inform the public, they are also compelled to generate revenue, for they are businesses whose primary purpose is to create a profit….In an effort to make crime news more entertaining, and thus more appealing to consumers, the news media...

What is “Gun Violence?”

When you hear terms like “gun violence” and “gun deaths,” what do you think of? For most people, the first thought is of thugs waving guns and shooting people during the commission of a violent crime. But that’s not what’s being talked about in “studies” and “statistics” published in the media. Sure they include this terminology when they report on those types of crimes, but most of the time,...

Several firearms-related bills scheduled for proponent testimony in House committee

Chairman Ron Maag has announced that the House State Government committee will be hearing proponent testimony on several firearms-related bills next Wednesday, May 13 at 2:00 p.m. in Room 121. Bills for which proponents will be testifying are: HB 20 (Rule Modification for Concealed Carry in School Zones) - Reps. Gonzales/Koehler HB 48 (Eliminate many 'no-guns' victim zones) - Rep. Maag HB 152 (...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.