Bell Rings for Anti-Gun Senator Barbara Boxer

California's junior U.S. senator, Barbara Boxer (D), announced this week that she will not seek re-election in 2016. The announcement follows a statewide poll last year, indicating that Boxer's support among Californians had slipped. Moreover, in the November 2014 elections, her party became the minority in Congress' upper house, resulting in her loss of the chairmanship of the Senate Environment...

The One Thing You Can Do for Rights in 2015

It is mind-boggling that we’re now living in 2015. I like to think I’m not so old, but I also remember when 2001 was a distant date in a science fiction movie. I’m still waiting for the flying car I was promised. But flying cars weren’t the only things we were promised back in the good old days. Looking back at when we were looking forward to these days, I remember predictions about a coming ice-...

Good guys don't seek the spotlight, but deserve it

What does it mean for our country when entertainment seems more valuable than anything else? But there are still hundreds of millions of Americans working as hard as ever. Good Guys who don't seek the spotlight but deserve it. >>> CLICK HERE to join the NRA or renew your membership now . If you know some good guys and gals, get them a gift membership.

Community organizer critical of police shoots unarmed man!

KSAZ (FOX Phoenix) recently ran a news report about an event that I believe should become a part of media, politicians' and "community organizers'" experience in cities in Ohio and throughout the country. In the report, Jarrett Maupin, an activist known for leading marches on the Phoenix Police headquarters after officers shot an unarmed man who reportedly fought with them, and FOX 10's Troy...

BATFE Rings in the New Year with More Executive Gun Control

On January 2, BATFE issued its first ruling of 2015. Identified as ATF Rul. 2015-1, it significantly expands the scope of activities that BATFE considers to be “manufacturing” for purposes of the Gun Control Act (GCA). While BATFE claims this ruling is simply a “clarification” of their prior position taken in ATF Rul. 2010-10, 2015-1 is clearly an attempted expansion of the definition of...

Another Ohio school investigates arming staff to protect its students

In the immediate aftermath of the Sandy Hook massacre in late 2012, gun ban extremists sought to use the incident to achieve their legislative goals, despite the fact that nothing they were proposing would have prevented the terrible attack. Buckeye Firearms Foundation, on the other hand, set about to do something that has already been proven a success in several incidents around the country -...

Firearms Training: “Lights, Camera, Action!”

[T]he use of videos to supplement your firearms training...can be useful in demonstrating basic and advanced techniques because they can focus on a single aspect and let you observe how to properly perform the step from several different angles. It is often much easier to understand complex concepts visually than it is to have them explained to you with words or in writing. The disadvantages of... Top Ten News Items of 2014

On average, we publish two articles a day and 10 to 12 articles a week. Over the years, we have published approximately 10,000 articles, covering elections, legislation, and all manner of events and information of interest to Second Amendment supporters. As content editor for, it's always interesting to look back over the year to see which articles captured the most interest...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.