Legislators will return in September, but say action on gun rights not likely until November

Wednesday, June 4 marked Ohio legislators' final day of session before summer break, and while both House Speaker Bill Batchelder (R-Medina) and Senate President Keith Faber (R-Celina) expect their respective chambers to hold more committee hearings and session days in September and October, leaders aren't willing to commit to passing pro-gun rights legislation in the Republican-controlled Senate...

Op-Ed: Obama Praises Australia’s Gun Confiscation

Speaking to users of the blogging platform Tumblr [on June 10], President Obama praised Australia’s confiscation of firearms. Obama said: Couple of decades ago, Australia had a mass shooting, similar to Columbine or Newtown. And Australia just said, well, that’s it, we’re not doing, we’re not seeing that again, and basically imposed very severe, tough gun laws, and they haven’t had a mass...

It’s the Murderer, Stupid!

[On Friday, May 23], as people began celebrating their extended Memorial Day weekend, one demented little narcissist took a knife and slaughtered 3 innocent people in the opening act of a really bad play he called his “Day of Retribution.” He went on to kill three others and severely injure several more before finally taking his own worthless life. Before I go on, let me make something really...

May 2014 Firearms Sales Checks Second Highest May on Record

The May 2014 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 877,655 is the second highest May on record for the system, even with a decrease of 9.9 percent compared to the May 2013 NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 974,457. For comparison, the unadjusted May 2014 NICS figure of 1,476,318 reflects a 3.6 percent increase from the unadjusted NICS figure of 1,424,450 in...

Not-so-stupid criminals targeting gun-labeled vehicles parked outside "gun-free" zones

We all love those “Stupid Criminal” stories, like the guy pretending to cash a check before pulling a gun and robbing the bank – leaving the check and his driver’s license on the counter, or the guys who broke into the gun store by breaking a hole in the roof only to find all of the guns locked in safes, the windows barred, the alarm going off, and no ladder to get back up through the hole… But,...

HSUS and Codefendants Agree to Historic $15.75 Million Settlement

In a landmark settlement, Feld Entertainment, Inc., operator of the Ringling Brothers Circus, has recovered $15.75 million in attorney fees from the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and their codefendants. The settlement stems from a lawsuit filed against Feld Entertainment in 2000 alleging mistreatment of federally protected Asian elephants. In order to establish “standing” to sue, the...

U.S. House Passes Appropriations Bill Containing a Number of Pro-Gun General Provisions

We reported earlier [last] month on the U.S. House Appropriations Committee approving the FY15 Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill. The bill then moved on to the floor of the U.S. House where, on Thursday, May 29, it was passed by a vote of 321-87. The bill contains a number of pro-gun general provisions, including: Sec. 215 --Prohibits Gun Walking Operations--and stops the Obama...

Op-Ed: Federal agencies arming at alarming rate

Editor's Note: The following article was originally published in the Lima News. Republished with permission. There was another mass shooting. This was, predictably, followed by calls from the gun-grabbers to disarm law-abiding citizens and the penning of another ill-informed but sanctimonious column from Leonard Pitts of the Miami Herald who once said, I kid you not, that blacks can’t be racists...


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