Numerically Challenged Journalist Wages Weak Attack on NRA, Kleck

Nearly a century ago, the great jazz drummer Warren "Baby" Dodds was asked for his opinion of other drummers of his day. Dodds, a perfectionist, but also a gentleman, simply said, "All who are drumming aren't drummers." That brings us to the journalist Michael Allen, who, on Monday, [January 13] took advantage of the fact that anyone with a computer and an internet connection can write just about...

Park Commissioners: Everyone but rangers can carry guns in Franklin County MetroParks

What do you call a security guard without a gun? A target. And that's no joke. But two out of three Board of Park Commissioners in Franklin County recently voted to continue a ridiculous prohibition against arming park rangers. From ThisWeek Community News : Tracy Rader, representative of the Fraternal Order of Police/Ohio Labor Council, said the union was "saddened" that the park district's...

HB 231 (Eliminate 'No-Guns' Victim Zones) scheduled for third hearing in House

Chairman Jim Butler has announced that the Judiciary Committee will be hearing testimony on Representative Ron Maag's (R-Lebanon) HB 231 Wednesday, January 29 at 4:00 p.m. in Statehouse Room 122. This will be the third hearing for this important bill. Buckeye Firearms Association has previously testified in support of the bill. Under the proposed legislation, Ohioans would be able to carry...

Ten Threats To Our Ohio Gun Rights In 2014

As 2014 dawns, the gun community has a lot to be thankful for because of so many hard fought victories in 2013. The Colorado recall election wins, the failure of President Barack Obama and Vice President Biden's anti-gun cabal to create momentum for universal gun registration and the end of Michael Bloomberg's tenure as New York Mayor not only helped our cause in 2013, but will yield benefits for...

Citing Second Amendment, Judge Issues Injunction Against Federal Gun Ban

Last Friday, [January 10] Chief Judge B. Lynn Winmill of the United States District Court for the District of Idaho issued a preliminary injunction to enjoin the Army Corps of Engineers from enforcing a regulation that, with limited exceptions, banned possession of firearms on lands under the Corps' control. The case, Morris v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, was brought by plaintiffs in western...

Civitas Media scraps plans for state-by-state database of CCW license-holders

Last week, a confidential source provided me with an internal email from the director of content of Civitas Media , a North Carolina-based company which owns some 88 newspapers in 12 states, including 38 here in Ohio. The January 19 email stated that the company was planning to use "public records act requests" to "build state-by-state databases that list" people with concealed carry licenses...

Ohio House passes bill to address school safety

On Wednesday, January 22, the Ohio House passed House Bill 8, a bill intended to, among other things, clarify the right of local boards of education to enact safety plans which include the authorization of concealed handgun license-holders, and to specify that those plans may be considered part of the school safety plan and thus not be part of the public record. From coverage by WBNS (CBS...

Vote LINDA WALKER for NRA Board of Directors

To My Fellow Second Amendment Brothers & Sisters and NRA Members, My name is LINDA WALKER and I need your vote for the NRA Board of Directors. If you are a voting member of the National Rifle Association, by now you should have received your ballot for the Board of Directors elections in your February magazine or you will receive it in the mail. As I come to the end of my first 3-year term as...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.