Tactical Training Scenario - Carjacking and Denial

by Greg Ellifritz Place yourself in Carolyn Meadows' shoes. It's mid day and you are leaving a large grocery store. You get into your car and start to back out of the parking space only to be startled by a shirtless man yelling and banging on the rear of your car. The man is blocking the car from completely leaving the parking space and if she accelerated, she would hit the man. What would you...

Washington Post: "In Ohio, momentum favors gun rights movement"

by Chad D. Baus An article published in our nation's capital on December 11 documents the progress made by gun rights activists in Ohio in 2013. From the Washington Post : This year, more than 82,000 new concealed-carry weapons licenses were issued in Ohio through September — more than any full year since the system was enacted in 2004... ...Ohio is not alone: By the end of October, 11 states had...

Cleveland CHL-holder defends own life when violently attacked by two armed robbers

by Chad D. Baus WOIO (CBS Cleveland) is reporting that a 24 year-old concealed handgun licensee was forced to defend his own life after two armed robbers beat and pistol-whipped him inside his own home. From the article : 19 Action News has learned the 24-year-old homeowner returned home and was approached by two men in his driveway who attempted to rob him. The suspects forced the homeowner...

BOOK REVIEW: Emily Gets Her Gun…But Obama Wants to Take Yours

By Jim Irvine I've had the pleasure of hearing Emily Miller address groups to tell her story of becoming a D.C. gun owner several times. Emily is a delightful person, has an interesting story to tell and does a great job telling it. She has won numerous awards for her series, "Emily Gets her Gun" which appeared in the Washington Times . Her book, by the same title, details her journey from an...

Toledo homeowner fights back during attempted home invasion

by Chad D. Baus WTVG (ABC Toledo) reported recently that a man defended himself and his girlfriend when a man forced his way through a window in an attempted home invasion. From the article : A Toledo man is recovering after he was shot, possibly during an attempted home invasion, Thursday morning. Antione Garrett told police he and his girlfriend woke up to the sound of someone breaking into...

CNN Poll: Fading support for stricter gun control exposes reason why extremists move immediately to exploit tragedy

by Chad D. Baus CNN reported recently that "as memories fade from last December's horrific school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, a new national poll indicates that support for stricter gun control laws appears to be fading, too." While CNN's premise that only a fading memory can explain the decline in support for gun control is bogus, the findings are none-the-less encouraging. From the...

Obama and Bloomberg Use December 14 to Promote Gun Control

Google "Organizing for Action" (OFA), supposedly a non-partisan, grassroots group, and you get www.barackobama.com . Likewise, click on the preceding link, and it takes you to the Organizing for Action website. Despite OFA's innocuous-sounding name, the Chicago-based group is an arm of the Obama political machine, the successor to a similar Obama store-front put together after his 2008 election,...

School safety for active killer events

Editor's Note: The following article editorial was published on December 3 edition of the Sidney Daily News . School officials in that city, with the support and aid of the Shelby Co. Sheriff, have implemented a program to provide armed staff members inside the schools, and are struggling with a resistant local police chief. by Jim Irvine Everyone wants schools to be safe, but how is that best...


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