Bringing firearms business to Ohio

by Jim Irvine Since the killings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, states like New York, Colorado and Connecticut have passed drastic anti-freedom laws aimed at restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens. None of those restrictions would stop a killer in a movie theater or inside a school from walking into the next room of innocent victims. Because firearms were a large...

Ashland freedom group holding Bake Sale Lemonade Stand fundraiser to benefit Buckeye Firearms Assoc.

The Coalition Promoting Freedom is holding its 2nd annual Bake Sale/Lemonade Stand "Freedom Day" on Saturday, May 11th, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., at the Fin-Feather-Fur in Ashland. Celebrating America's freedom will include supporting and promoting the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the Right to Bear Arms. Donations only for baked goods (some gluten free) and lemonade. The "Freedom" is...

Media, gun control groups desperate to prop up claims that pro-gun votes will hurt Portman and other Senators at the ballot box

by Chad D. Baus The establishment media, which repeatedly asserted that the horrific attack on a school in Newtown, CT meant that gun control was inevitable, are still reeling from the defeat of the anti-gun Manchin-Toomey amendment that sought to make Chuck Schumer's gun control bill, S. 469, palatable to more Senators. Their attempts to make the undesirable "inevitable" having failed, the media...

Center for Consumer Freedom Video: Wayne Pacelle and The HSUS Scam

by Chad D. Baus The Center for Consumer Freedom has published a video comparing convicted Ponzi scheme operator "Bernie" Madoff with Wayne Pacell, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). The video points out that HSUS gives less than one percent of its massive donations to local pet shelters, but, it has socked away more than $17 million...

Poll proves claims of 90% support for "universal" background checks a lie; Media fail to make connection

by Chad D. Baus Remember that Obama administration claim, repeated ad nauseum during the media push to use the horrific massacre in "gun free" Sandy Hook Elementary to pass gun control, that 90% of the American people support an expanded background check bill? The statistic was debunked any number of ways during the run-up to the vote on S. 469, but that didn't stop Obama and the media from...

Fire department allows firefighters to carry weapons

by Chad D. Baus The Springfield News Sun reported recently that an area fire department is allowing its personnel to carry concealed guns for personal defense. From the article : The Bethel Twp. fire department is the only Ohio department allowing firefighters to carry guns, the president of the state fire chiefs' association believes. The department's chief said a crisis last week is one reason...

Exploding Targets Considered Illegal Under Ohio Law

by Greg Ellifritz I recently became aware of a published legal opinion from the Ohio State Fire Marshal’s Office. I've copied the full opinion below, but the Cliff's Notes version is that if you shoot a commercially purchased or homemade exploding target in Ohio, you could face felony charges! I know these binary explosive targets are legal under Federal law, but this opinion says they aren't...

Castle Doctrine law helps homeowners who suffer home invasions in Toledo and Columbus

by Chad D. Baus WBNS (CBS Columbus) is reporting that an eastside apartment resident fired at burglars inside his home early Wednesday morning, April 24. Under Ohio's Castle Doctrine law, if someone unlawfully enters or attempts to enter an occupied home or temporary habitation, or occupied car, citizens have an initial presumption that they may act in self defense, and will not be second-guessed...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.