Ohio media outlet releases name of teacher authorized to go armed at Orrville City Schools

by Chad D. Baus When Williams Co., Ohio's Montpelier Schools Board of Education made the announcement that they would allow certain employees to carry concealed in the school as a part of their security plans, we noted that the school was not the first school in Ohio to allow certain members of its staff to go armed - rather, they were just the first to announce the decision publicly. There are...

Obama's 23 Executive Orders translated from the formal bureaucratese

Editor's Note: This succinct, pithy analysis of Barack Obama's 23 Executive Orders was posted yesterday on the Internet and has quickly gone viral. The original author appears to be this blogger . [UPDATE: According to multiple sources, the President did not, as was widely reported, sign executive orders, but rather executive actions and presidential memoranda .] So Obama released his Executive...

Deceptive Mayors Against Illegal Guns Campaign Prompts No Concern from Ohio Members

by Jason Hart Ohio members of Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) appear unconcerned that the group's latest campaign suggests more gun control would have prevented the recent school shooting in Connecticut. Media Trackers contacted thirteen of the Ohio mayors listed as members of MAIG, offering a chance to comment on the "Demand A Plan" campaign, but only two mayors have responded in over two...

Obama signs 23 executive orders, demands $4.5 billion in new spending on gun control

President also launches campaign to force Congress to renew the ban on so-called "assault weapons" and standard capacity ammunition magazines [UPDATE: According to multiple sources, the President did not, as was widely reported, sign executive orders, but rather executive actions and presidential memoranda .] by Chad D. Baus The Weekly Standard is reporting that the proposals President Obama and...

Anti-Actions, Emotional Words, and Silly Classifications

by Jim Shepherd The Los Angeles Times is reporting that a Staten Island, New York school panel has passed a resolution recommending armed, retired New York City police officers be hired to patrol local schools as a part of an increased security proposal. The Times is also reporting, however, that the city's Board of Education has already said "no way" to the plan. It points out two important...

NBC's David Gregory will not be prosecuted for breaking the D.C. large capacity magazine ban

by Chad D. Baus Politico is reporting that NBC's David Gregory, who in inadvertently displayed the fallacy of gun bans for anyone who was watching when he violated the District of Columbia's ban on large capacity magazines, will not face charges. From the article : D.C. attorney general Irvin Nathan on Friday said he would decline to prosecute in the case involving the Sunday show host and any...

Nemerov: Toledo Blade Makes School Defense About Itself

by Howard Nemerov First the good news: A rural Ohio school district has decided to arm staff in order to make students safer from insane people looking for notoriety. From The Toledo Blade : Montpelier schools may be the first in Ohio to ramp up security by authorizing employees to carry weapons. The district has about 1,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade and 75 teachers in one...

Biden Says, "Critically Important to Act" on Guns - Opens Door to Executive Action [UPDATE: Obama agrees - Exec Action on guns]

The Obama administration is seeking to institute a far more sweeping gun-control agenda than simply reinstating the failed Clinton bans on "assault weapons" and "high-capacity" magazines. While the administration seeks to ban whole classes of firearms, a working group led by longtime gun control supporter Vice-President Joe Biden is also seriously considering proposals for a national registration...


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