California tracking firearms credit card use, but criminals — not so much

There might soon be a significant increase in the number of cash sales seen at sporting goods stores and retailers that offer firearms, ammunition, and recreational shooting sports and hunting supplies in California. That’s because California became the first state to implement a merchant category code for gun retailers that has been the pet project of gun control groups, the New York-based,...

Lott-Moody paper: Carry laws don't increase gun theft, decrease police effectiveness

Gun-control groups campaign against right-to-carry laws by claiming guns carried in public pose a substantial threat to public safety, and that concealed carry permitting laws lead to more violent crime, not less. Professor Carl Moody and Dr. John Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center have just released an updated paper finding no evidence that CCW laws are associated with significant...

Eighth Circuit panel rules Minnesota young-adult carry ban unconstitutional

A three-judge panel in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit has handed down a unanimous 27-page ruling that Minnesota’s ban on concealed carry by young adults is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment, giving a victory to the Second Amendment Foundation and its partners.

VA, created by Congress, says it 'would not' comply with pro-gun legislation

Earlier this month, the subcommittee on disability assistance and memorial affairs of the House Veterans Affairs Committee held a legislative hearing on a number of proposed bills that would change various procedures and standards for how the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) does business. The VA, of course, is a creation of Congress, as are the statutes that empower, guide, and fund its...

Staccato 'Built for Heroes' Raffle - Big $5,000 Prize Package

We were feeling patriotic coming out of the Independence Day celebrations. So when we talked to Black Wing Shooting Center about doing an extra special raffle for July, they didn't miss a beat. "You need to offer a Staccato. They're our No. 1-selling high-end pistol. They shoot like 1911s but have all the advantages of a modern design. We can barely keep them in stock."


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.