The Annual Big Yawn: Brady Campaign State Gun Control Scorecard 2011

Year after year, the Brady Campaign’s state gun control scorecards have become the laughing stock of the gun control debate for at least three reasons. First, they typically give good scores to states that have high crime rates and bad scores to states that have low rates. The Brady Campaign’s scores aren’t based on whether anyone gets murdered, raped, robbed, or beaten in any particular state;...

In Ohio, selling or providing a handgun to anyone under 21 is illegal, yet headlines claim it's easy for a child to get a gun

by Chad D. Baus Ohio Revised Code 2923.21 says it plainly - it is illegal in Ohio to sell or furnish a handgun to anyone under 21 years of age, and it is illegal to sell or furnish a firearm of any kind to a person under 18 years of age. It is also illegal to sell or furnish a firearm to another person if the seller knows or has reason to know that the firearm is intended to be provided to an...

A Parent’s Guide to School Shootings

by Greg Ellifritz I walked into the high school wearing two guns and a bullet resistant vest. I had a rifle, six spare magazines, and a ballistic helmet stashed close by in my car. It was Wednesday, April 21st 1999, the day after what had been the worst school shooting in United States history. Two high school kids had just killed 12 of their fellow students and a teacher at Columbine High School...

Mitt Romney's anti-gun record: He hopes Ohio voters forget

Editor's Note 9/28/12 - Please see the following follow-up article, also by Mr. Baus - Recently discovered report forces the question: Do I owe Mitt Romney an apology? by Chad D. Baus Although some gun rights activists who subscribe to the Buckeye Firearms Association weekly newsletter pay attention to politics affecting gun rights day-in and day-out, and can immediately identify which candidates...

On the Second Amendment, Obama Budget Tells All

Barack Obama's careful effort to hide his anti-Second Amendment agenda is starting to come undone. The latest evidence is found in the budget he sent to Congress this past week. As we reported last fall, NRA was very successful in having a number of provisions included in the annual spending bills that are important protections for our rights. Obama grudgingly signed the Fiscal Year 2012 spending...

The problem of smuggling guns south of the border is solved!

by Chad D. Baus The Houston, Texas CBS affilate is reporting that on February 17, Mexico President Felipe Calderon held yet another press conference in which he blamed America's Second Amendment for his adminstrations's failure to control its drug cartels. From the article : "Dear friends of the United States, Mexico needs your help to stop this terrible violence that we're suffering," Calderon...

Time to arm willing teachers to stop spree killers

by Jeff Thomas By now everyone has heard about the Chardon High School shooting that left three students dead and two others wounded this week. Many believed it was just a matter of time before a school shooting reached Ohio. On Monday morning it happened. This just highlights the need to arm willing teachers to serve as the last line of defense of our children. While a lot remains unknown about...

Elderly Cleveland concealed carry licensee survives home invasion by shooting his armed attacker

by Chad D. Baus The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that a 78 year-old man was forced to shoot a 17 year-old male who to broke into the house he was sleeping in. From the article : "Police told me if I hadn't dropped him with that that first one, he would have got me," [Ted] Ziolkowski said in a telephone interview. The youth remained in Metrohealth Medical Center under police guard. His...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.