Society of Professional Journalists ethics committee chair takes dim view of advocacy journalism at Columbus Dispatch and beyond

by Chad D. Baus In the wake of a series of articles, entitled "Overrun by guns" , written by Theodore Decker and published in The Columbus Dispatch in late May, I exposed the fact that the articles were bought and paid for by the anti-gun rights Joyce Foundation, and were in fact written with the goal of having a "major public policy impact" on gun violence in Ohio. In that article, I noted that...

Families offered free day at the range

Family Outdoor Skills Day September 17th The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife is sponsoring a Family Outdoor Skills Day on Saturday September 17, 2011. The event will feature shotgun, rifle, pellet gun and archery shooting activities and instruction. This family-friendly day will be held at Spring Valley Shooting Range in Greene County from noon to 5:00pm. All...

Questioning “No Questions Asked” - Are Gun-Surrender Gimmicks Legal?

by Jeff Knox For decades we've heard about gun turn-ins – "Gun Buy-Back" programs sponsored by churches, civic groups, and various other misinformed do-gooder organizations. The very name – buy-back – implies that guns belong not to individuals, but to the government, or at least to the people who don't like guns. The programs have the stated purpose of "getting guns off the street," which seems...

ATF Rewards Agents Who Ran "Fast and Furious" and Then Helped Cover It Up

In what can only be described as "Washington D.C. logic," the three BATFE agents who were responsible for the "Fast and Furious" debacle in Phoenix have been promoted. You read that right, promoted! Not reprimanded, not demoted and certainly not fired, but given bigger jobs with more responsibility and more pay. Each of the agents now have high profile positions in D.C. William Newell is now...

The Myth of the “Warning Shot”

by Ken Hanson, Esq. One of the first things I point out to concealed carry classes is "I don't need to make any of this stuff up." The real world we live in is so much more bizarre than anything I can make up. My book, the Ohio Guide to Firearm Laws, is now out in a Fourth Edition. Something I have been writing about for years, in the past and current editions, is the myth of the warning shot...

Distortion in the Courts - Judges display little respect for Second Amendment rights

by Jeff Knox It can be argued that the only personal property specifically protected by the US Constitution is firearms. While the Fourth Amendment promises " the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects " and requires a sworn warrant " describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized, " it does specifically allow for such seizure...

An Open Letter To All Urban Residents – And Especially Jews

by Rabbi Dovid Bendory, Rabbinic Director, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership The mainstream media is doing its best to belittle a dangerous trend in America today: the "flash mob" of "youths." The term "flash mob" originally referred to groups of peaceful citizenry who gathered for what are best called "social experiments" – jovial sing-alongs and dance-alongs and other forms of...

Repeal False Gun Free School Zone Act

by Jeff Knox Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) has introduced a bill (HR-2613) to repeal the federal Gun Free School Zone Act. While many in the general public and the gun prohibition community will balk and ask questions like, "What does anyone need with a gun at a school," knowledgeable rights supporters are wondering why it has taken so long. The Gun Free School Zone Act, or GFSZA for short, was...


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