Unsung heroes behind passage of Ohio's Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix and Restoration of Rights bills deserve our thanks

by Jim Irvine Governor John Kasich recently signed two important firearms bills into law. SB17 affects those with who carry concealed in Ohio. HB54 affects those who have had firearm rights restored. In addition to the Governor and bill sponsors, there are some other people who worked hard for your rights and deserve recognition. Senator Jason Wilson (D-Columbiana) was a primary sponsor of the...

U.S. Senate Stands with NRA in Strongly Opposing U.N Gun Control Efforts

As has been reported recently at BuckeyeFirearms.org, Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) has been circulating a letter to be sent to President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton strongly stating opposition to any inclusion of civilian arms in the proposed UN's Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). On Friday, July 22, Moran announced that he had acquired 45 signatures - considerably more than the 34 Senators...

Another business owner with concealed handgun license defends self from armed robbers

WKYC (NBC Cleveland) is reporting that when two men tried to rob the owner of Advanced Iron & Metal on Quincy Avenue just before 11 a.m. Friday, they got more than they bargained for. From the news report : A Channel 3 News crew was there and the owner told them that two men tried to rob him. He said one man had a gun and fired several shots at him, grazing him in the stomach. Then the owner...

Legislation will allow some auditors to carry concealed weapons; another proposal addresses EMTs

by Chad D. Baus Lost in all of the sky-is-falling media coverage of the debate over restaurant carry legislation last month was news of passage of legislation that will allow some employees of the state auditor's office to carry concealed weapons. From June 11 in the The Columbus Dispatch : Carrie Bartunek, spokeswoman for Auditor Dave Yost, said four investigators in the auditor's office - all...

Buckeye Firearms Foundation donates $1000 to legal defense for Ohio licensee threatened with execution by police officer

Buckeye Firearms Foundation is making a donation of $1000 to the legal defense fund of Canton, Ohio concealed handgun licensee William Bartlett, who was subjected to horrific civil rights violations by a police officer. Watch the video and see the officer, Daniel Harless, abuse and threaten the licensee during a traffic stop last month. The abuse included repeated threats to EXECUTE the licensee...

ATF Chief Admits Mistakes in 'Fast and Furious, ' Accuses Holder Aides of Stonewalli​ng Congress

Fox News is reporting that the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,Firearms and Explosives has admitted that his agency, in at least one instance, allowed sales of high-powered weapons without intercepting them -- and he accuses his superiors at the Justice Department of stonewalling Congress to protect political appointees in the scandal over those decisions. From the article : Acting ATF...

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre Stands Up for American Gun Owners at United Nations

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre drew a line in sand on behalf of American gun owners at the United Nations last week. LaPierre spoke to the UN's Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) Preparatory Committee, the group drafting an international treaty that will supposedly control all non-nuclear arms, worldwide, including civilian firearms. He told the audience of delegates from approximately 150 UN...


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