Richard Daley – Chicago’s Emperor Nero retires

by Gerard Valentino Richard Daley's request for armed bodyguards to protect him after he leaves office shows that his career as Chicago Mayor is ending, but his legacy of hypocrisy will live on. After years of disarming all civilians, Daley's tune is now changing, and he is making sure that someone carrying a gun is in place to defend him when he no longer holds his throne. For Daley to request...

Wal-Mart retailing giant resumes sales of rifles & shotguns at half of its stores

by Chad D. Baus The Wall Street Journal reported recently that Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is bringing back rifles, shotguns and ammunition to hundreds of U.S. stores as the hurting retail giant seeks to reinvigorate its one-stop shopping appeal and attract more male customers. From the article : The world's largest retailer stopped selling hunting rifles and bullets at all but a third of its U.S...

Dad who split up fight in McDonald's shot "no-guns" Great Britain

"A free people ought to be armed." - George Washington "Arms in the hands of citizens may be used at individual discretion in private self defense." - John Adams "Americans have the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the people of other countries, whose leaders are afraid to trust them with arms." - James Madison by Chad D. Baus The Mirror , a British newspaper, recently reported that a...

SAF challenges interstate handgun sales ban

The Second Amendment Foundation [has] filed suit in U.S. District Court in Virginia challenging the constitutionality of federal and Virginia provisions barring handgun sales to non-residents. SAF is joined in the lawsuit by Michelle Lane, a District of Columbia resident who cannot legally purchase handguns because there are no retail firearms dealers inside the District. The Supreme Court's 2008...

Restoration of Rights bill (SB61) scheduled for sponsor testimony in House committee

[UPDATE May 23, 2011 - Chairman Mecklenborg has removed this bill (and one other) from the meeting agenda due to time contraints related to the volume of testimony scheduled to be given on another bill the committee is considering.] On Tuesday, May 24, the House Committee on State Government and Elections, which is chaired by BFA "A" -rated Rep. Bob Mecklenborg, will hear sponsor testimony on Sen...

Congressman Bob Gibbs Introduces the Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act

Seeks to close loophole limiting second amendment rights on over 7.6 million acres of federal land On May 12, Congressman Bob Gibbs (R-OH) introduced HR 1865, the Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act. "Today, I am proud to introduce HR 1865, the Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act and continue my commitment to preserve the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution," said Congressman Gibbs. "HR...

Love and death, Chicago style

by Tim Inwood Illinois is a beautiful state with a great history, but it is a state that is dragged down by the ridiculous liberal politics and policies of the Chicago area and its suburbs. The liberals and progressives of the Chicago area have kept the rest of the citizens of Illinois from having a right to carry firearms for their defense for too long. Recently the liberals also made it safer...

Chicago's Daley a hypocrite to the bitter end

Having retired from office on Wednesday, May 18, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley remains a monumental hypocrite to the bitter end and his request for publicly-financed armed bodyguards proves it, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said recently. As Daley prepared to leave office, a Washington Times editorial bared the anti-gun Democrat's hypocrisy. For years, Daley has had...


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