Buckeye Firearms Association's Jim Irvine on The Sound of Ideas

Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman Jim Irvine was a studio guest on WCPN's The Sound of Ideas on Thursday, April 21 at 9:00 AM Eastern. Jim discussed SB17 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix) with a panel of guests that will also include: Toby Hoover, Executive Director, Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence Mayor Michael Coleman (D), Columbus State Sen. Tim Schaffer (R-31) Every weekday at 9:...

Urge Your Representative To Cosponsor H.R. 822, The National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act Of 2011

Congressmen Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) and Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) have introduced vital legislation that will enable millions of permit holders to exercise their right to self-defense while traveling outside their home states. There are now only two states that have no clear legal way for individuals to carry concealed firearms for self-defense. Thirty-nine states have shall-issue permit systems that...

Concealed carry debate delivered four times the communication as collective bargaining bill; CCW still portrayed as fringe issue

by Gerard Valentino The Ohio media and anti-Second Amendment politicians are notorious for trying to portray gun rights as a fringe issue pushed by a small vocal minority. In contrast, the recent coverage of Senate Bill 5, which was designed to limit the collective bargaining rights of public unions, was covered as if the majority of Ohioans were riveted. After SB5 passed and was signed into law...

Op-Ed: The Unconcealed Truth About Carrying Guns

by Steve Chapman "Experience is a dear teacher," said Benjamin Franklin, "but fools will learn at no other." Give some credit to fools: At least they eventually learn from experience. What would Franklin say about people who don't? By that, I refer to gun control advocates alarmed that the Illinois legislature may vote to let licensed individuals carry concealed handguns. The Brady Campaign to...

Another business owner with concealed handgun license defends lives in armed robbery attempt

Cleveland Fox affiliate WJW is reporting that another Ohio business owner was able to defend his life and the lives of four others when two armed robbers entered a pet store and began yelling. From the report : Five minutes before closing the Neptunes Corner Pet Store on East 71st Street Saturday, Nick Akoury said he was startled by two men wearing ski masks and threatening him with a gun. They...

Op-Ed: What's Really Behind Obama's New Push for Gun Control?

by John Lott Despite the Libyan crisis and ongoing problems with America's massive deficit, last week President Obama decided it was time to focus on gun control. He wrote an op-ed, challenged the NRA to negotiate new gun control regulations, and met with gun control groups. Of course, Obama's op-ed says he supports gun rights. Yet, he also emphasizes that he doesn't want people to "shout at one...

Grassroots gun rights groups gain momentum

by Alan Gottlieb Considering that there are an estimated 80 million gun owners in the United States, it should be no surprise that local organizations devoted to protecting and promoting gun rights - especially in the wake of the 2008 Heller ruling and the 2010 McDonald decision by the U.S. Supreme Court - have been springing up, growing in numbers and gaining political clout. As founder of the...

State Representative Danny Bubp disappointed in fellow Republicans' reluctance to move Restaurant Carry bill

by Chad D. Baus The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that State Rep. Danny Bubp, sponsor of Restaurant Carry legislation in the last two General Assemblies, had expected easy passage of his bill now that voters gave Republicans a 59 seat majority. From the article : In December, state Rep. Danny Bubp had so much support for legislation to allow concealed-carry permit holders to take guns into bars...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.