More Evidence That More Guns Equals Less Crime

by Don Kates (reprinted with permission) In 1997 University of Chicago economists John Lott and David Mustard published comprehensive data which showed that in the preceding 25 years in which more and more states had enacted laws requiring police to license all sane and non-criminal applicants to carry concealed weapons (CCW laws) violent crime had sharply fallen in those states. Lott &...

Killer Empowerment Zones

Editor's Note: This article first appeared at , and is being republished with permission of the author. by Ron Borsch The November 5th 2009 Ft. Hood TX rapid mass murder incident, as tragic as it was, should have some resultant positive ripple effects. The extended coverage time in the media commanded public attention toward two important areas that were previously not made...

NRA-PVF Endorses Rob Portman for U.S. Senate in Ohio

The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) has announced its endorsement of Rob Portman for U.S. Senate. "I am honored to receive the endorsement of the NRA Political Victory Fund," said Rob Portman. "Our 2nd Amendment rights are under attack by forces in Washington that want to limit our Constitutional rights. I will continue fighting to protect and strengthen the rights of...

Obama reveals anti-gun U.N. intent: Sends ex-Seattle mayor as Rep

The appointment of anti-gun rights former Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels as an alternate representative to the United Nations has removed any doubt about the Obama administration's intentions regarding global gun control initiatives, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. Nickels, a founding member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns and the author of Seattle's failed...

Portman campaign issues Second Amendment-related campaign flyer

by Chad D. Baus Rob Portman, former Congressman and current Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, has begun distributing literature designed to inform voters about his record on the issue of gun rights. The flyer begins by pointing out Portman's strong history of support for Second Amendment-related issues, and grading resume from than National Rifle Association over his entire 12 years in...

Success marks 2nd anniversary of Castle Doctrine in Ohio; More work to be done

by Gerard Valentino Two years ago Ohio enacted Castle Doctrine self-defense reform despite the opposition of nearly all the mainstream media outlets and anti-gun forces statewide. The law returned the presumption of innocence to law-abiding citizens if they use deadly force after someone unlawfully enters their home, car or place of business. Once again the anti-gun coalitions predicted that law-...

Gov. Strickland calls for passage of restaurant carry in campaign letter; Contrasts record with his Republican opponent

by Chad D. Baus Governor Ted Strickland, in a letter mailed today on Sportsmen for Strickland letterhead, said "I look forward to signing Restaurant Carry legislation." The letter, addressed to "Ohio Gun Owners," documents the progress the administration has made for gun owners over the past three and a half years. Working with you, we have made great strides to defend freedom. My commitment to...

Ignorance, Apathy and Emotion Destroying America

by Jeff Knox By reading this column you prove yourself to be an exception to the rule. You are an exception because you are doing things that most people don't do or are not doing yet. First off, you are reading which is becoming exceptional all by itself, but not only are you reading, you are reading about politics and it's still several weeks before a major election. On top of that, you are...


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