NSSF provides $231,796 in grants to shooting ranges, including one in central Ohio

The National Shooting Sports Foundation has awarded grants totaling $231,796 to nine shooting facilities through its Range Partnership Grant Program. New marketing strategies designed to motivate individuals, particularly youth and inactive shooters, to go target shooting and hunting dominated this year's winning proposals. "With target shooting participation at a record high, this is the perfect...

Crime victim persecuted for being gun owner

by Tim Inwood It used to be in this country that if you were arrested for a crime you were presumed innocent until trial. Now if you are a crime victim you may be perceived as a criminal if you are a gun owner. After reading an article about a burglary in the Land of Lincoln, my blood went to a slow boil. In the wee hours of an August morning, Rockford (IL) police were called by the victim's...

BFA endorsee circulating letter requesting co-sponsors for "Parking Lot Firearm Legislation"

State Representative Joe Uecker (R-66), a multiple-time past and present endorsee of Buckeye Firearms Association, is circulating a letter inviting colleagues to sign on as co-sponsors to a bill that would seek to "permit a concealed carry licensee who is an employee of a private employer to store the employee's handgun in a locked motor vehicle while parked on premises owned or leased by the...

State Supreme Court to hear preemption case October 12

Earlier this month, the Ohio Supreme Court announced that it will hear oral arguments for an important gun rights case, City of Cleveland v. State of Ohio , on October 12, 2010. The case came about after the Ohio General Assembly voted to override Governor Bob Taft's veto of HB347 - Ohio's "preemption" law - which codified R.C. 9.68, ensuring that firearms laws would be uniform throughout the...

Are You a Fair Weather Friend of Second Amendment Groups?

by Dean Rieck Suppose you had a dear friend. Someone you've known for years and who has stood beside you every step of the way. Then one day, you say or do something this friend doesn't agree with. It's not a personal insult. You haven't cheated them or assaulted them. You just have an honest disagreement about something. Suddenly your friend tells you it's all over. They won't be your friend...

Ohio's Chris Cerino Makes it to Final Four on Reality Show

It started with 16 now there are four. After nine episodes of The History Channel's Top Shot series one of Northern Ohio's own law enforcement professionals Chris Cerino is still on target the first America's Top Shot. Join Ohio's only representative in this first of its kind reality TV show and competition. This husband, father of two sons, scoutmaster, hunter education instructor and law...

Evil + Stupid = Bipartisan

by Jeff Knox We are now just a couple of months from the midterm elections and the political gamesmanship has begun to heat up. It was former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson (a Republican) who declared that in America we have the Evil Party, and the Stupid Party, adding that he belonged to the Stupid Party. For those committed to restoring and protecting the rights of gun owners, the labels are...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.