Tight budgets and fewer cops; time for citizens to 'arm up'

By Alan Gottlieb and Dave Workman Plunging government revenues may have the unintended consequence - so far as tax-and-spend (and spend some more) public officials are concerned - of reminding people that we are ultimately responsible for our own safety. The pie plate is empty and inevitable cutbacks in important public services, including law enforcement, are on the horizon. It is already...

Women Outpace Men as New Hunters

More women than men took up hunting last year, according to new net figures from the National Sporting Goods Association. While total hunters in the U.S. decreased slightly (.05 percent) between 2008 and 2009, the number of female hunters increased by 5.4 percent, netting 163,000 new participants. Growth areas for women included muzzleloading (up 134.6 percent), bowhunting (up 30.7 percent) and...

The Role of Single Issue PACs

An editorial response by multiple contributors On July 11, 2010, Buckeye Firearms Association, a single issue Ohio political action committee (PAC), endorsed the reelection of incumbent Democrat Governor Ted Strickland over Republican challenger John Kasich. To "insiders," this endorsement decision was expected. However, we realize that not all of our readers are "insiders" and do not necessarily...

Gun Control Doesn't Work

by Jeff Knox If firearms were indeed as inherently dangerous as gun control advocates suggest, there should be millions of crimes, murders, suicides, and accidents involving firearms each year, and those numbers should be escalating since the total number of firearms and firearms owners have risen substantially over the past few years. In reality, numbers of firearms related crime and accidents...

Buckeye Firearms Association endorses Richard Cordray for Ohio Attorney General

Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) is pleased to announce our endorsement of Richard Cordray (D) for Ohio Attorney General in the 2010 general election. Cordray has exhibited strong support for the Second Amendment and for the rights of Ohio gun owners during his first term as Attorney General. In 2009, Buckeye Firearms Foundation sued the city of Cleveland seeking a court order to stop the city...

Let's Face It, Chicago's Mayor Richard Daley Wants to Ban Guns, All Guns

by John Lott As always, gun control proponents say they merely want "reasonable" gun control laws. Yet, when listing the actual laws they favor, they go well beyond what most people would possibly consider "reasonable." Just look at the gun bans in Chicago and Washington, D.C. that local politicians and gun control organizations such as the Brady Campaign and the Violence Policy Center have...

Ohio Restaurant Association continues opposition to SB239

Editor's Note: On June 16, Buckeye Firearms Association Region Leader published an open letter to the Ohio Restaurant Association and its members. Following is a response from the Association, and follow-up commentary from Mr. Moore. Dear Larry: I received your letter this morning and read it with interest. it was well-reasoned and well-written. You very effectively articulated your point of view...

Reminder: Now's the Time to Enroll for Hunter Education

If you're a new hunter or you're planning to take someone on a first hunt this fall, the National Shooting Sports Foundation reminds you that summer is the perfect time to take a hunter education course and acquire the certification necessary to purchase a hunting license. "Don't have your fall hunting plans spoiled by forgetting to take that all-important hunter education course," said Chris...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.