More northeast Ohio mayors suspicious about how their names were added to Bloomberg's gun control list

Long-time gun control activist Lori O'Neill signed up several mayors after speaking to the Northeast Ohio Mayors and City Managers' Association By Chad D. Baus Amidst news of an increasing number of mayors in Ohio and across the country who are resigning from New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's gun control front group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) , and in the wake of questions over whether...

Senate votes to allow Amtrak riders to carry guns in their checked baggage

The Associated Press reported recently that the U.S. Senate voted Wednesday to permit riders on the Amtrak passenger railroad to transport handguns in their checked baggage. The report says the proposal was approved by a 68-to-30 vote, and would give Amtrak riders rights comparable to those enjoyed by airline passengers, who are permitted to transport firearms provided that they declare they are...

Ohio GOP refuses to endorse anti-gun Attorney General candidate Mike DeWine

By Chad D. Baus On June 16, 2009, I published an editorial entitled " Will the Ohio Republican Party cement their minority status by backing anti-gun Mike DeWine for Attorney General? " For now, at least, the answer appears to be leaning to "No." The 66-member Ohio Republican State Central Committee officially endorsed four statewide candidates last Friday, but the news was perhaps more notable...

Buckeye Firearms Association volunteer leaders deliver Second Amendment speeches at 9.12 Tea Parties

For those who couldn't join the more than one million people protesting massive government spending in Washington D.C. on 9.12, smaller events like it were held in cities and towns across the country. Buckeye Firearms Foundation Treasurer Gerard Valentino spoke to several hundred attendees at an event in Mansfield, and Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman Chad D. Baus spoke at a rally in Wauseon...

Background checks up 12% on firearm sales in August

Background checks on the sale of firearms were up 12.3 percent in August, according to data released by the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). A total of 1,074,757 checks were reported for the month, up from 956,872 in August 2008. FBI background checks are required under federal law for all individuals purchasing either newly manufactured or used firearms from...

They were for it before they were against it: Cleveland Plain Dealer editors call for repeal of statewide preemption

Newspaper once editorialized in favor of preempting local gun laws Last week, upon the occasion of the injury of two Columbus officers by a marijuana-growing suspect who fired on them with a semi-automatic AK-47 rifle, gun ban extremists quickly ran out to dance in the officers' blood . These groups, including the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the Freedom States Alliance, and the Ohio...

Training workshop for new Ohio Hunter Education Instructors to be held at Wildlife District Three in Akron

AKRON, OH – Northeast Ohio sportsmen and women who are interested in becoming Hunter Education Instructors are encouraged to register for an upcoming training workshop in Akron according to the Ohio Division of Wildlife. The workshop will take place on Saturday, October 31st and Sunday, November 1st, 2009. Attendance is required on both dates to become certified. The workshop will be held at the...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.