Firearms ownership: One of the safest activities there is

The United Sportsmen of Florida have compiled two fact sheets that provide a wealth of insight into the safety of gun ownership, hunting and shooting. Citing data sources including the National Center for Health Statistics, the National Safety Council, the Bureau of the Census, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and firearms industry reports, the 2009 Fact Sheet on Firearms...

Where the blame for Mexico's illegal guns problem really lies

By Jeff Riley In his article "Mexico's drug violence is hard on Arizona" , Washington Post columnist George Will is one of the latest columnists to repeat the myth that American gun stores along the border are the main source for Mexico's drug cartels. Mr. Will is late to the party and misinformed. This meme started appearing as far back as the summer of 2008 when the Los Angeles Times started...

The Myth of Mandatory CCW Training

By Jeff Knox Rights activists are shooting themselves in the foot whenever they advocate for mandatory training for concealed carry, and they’re shooting themselves in the foot a lot lately. There is absolutely no question that all gunowners, especially those who choose to carry in public, need to take their responsibilities seriously and seeking out quality training is just the beginning of the...

This youth turkey season hunt yielded results - in more ways than one!

Editor's note: Ohio's spring turkey seasons are approaching rapidly, and we hope this story from last year's youth turkey season imspires you to start making plans to go afield! By Matt Sheterom Bo Stambaugh and I met for the first time at 6:00 a.m. on opening morning of Ohio's youth turkey season. His hunting partner was unable to take him so his dad asked if I would. I was excited because my...

Gun rights protected by one court ruling; attacked by another

Two recent court rulings have had opposite effects on the Second Amendment. On Thursday, May 19, the Illinois Supreme Court dismissed yet another reckless lawsuit aimed at putting firearms manufacturers out of business. That same day, U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, a Clinton appointee, issued a preliminary injunction that blocked a rule enacted by President George W. Bush allowing...

On display: Gun control laws fail to stop violent domestic offenders

In a recent Columbus Dispatch article entitled "Many loopholes in domestic-violence gun law," Whitehall Councilwoman Jacquelyn Thompson asks why a man with a history of domestic violence who killed his wife and children in a murder-suicide had three guns, and whether communities could do more to prevent domestic violence. It's worth asking, because the fact that this ex-con was in possession of...

Obama secretly ends program that let pilots carry guns

This editorial originally appeared in the Washington Times . Republished with permission. After the September 11 attacks, commercial airline pilots were allowed to carry guns if they completed a federal-safety program. No longer would unarmed pilots be defenseless as remorseless hijackers seized control of aircraft and rammed them into buildings. Now President Obama is quietly ending the federal...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.