Cuyahoga Co. Sheriff Gerald McFaul deputized son so he can carry a firearm; Refused to issue CHLs to constituents

By Chad D. Baus The list of abuses of power by city and county officials in Cleveland is long and distinguished - so much so that each individual report barely raises eyebrows anymore. For example, 23 years after telling an employee (whom he was dating) how to avoid a subpoena so she wouldn't have to testify against him in a sexual harassment suit, Cuyahoga County Sheriff Gerald McFaul is finally...

Encourage lawmakers to support excise tax reform

The National Shooting Sports Foundation encourages all members of the firearms and ammunition industry to voice their support of H.R. 510, legislation that will rectify a longstanding inequity in the collection of the firearms and ammunition excise tax -- a major source of wildlife conservation funding.

Municipalities continue to be upset with Ohio Supreme Court over gun rights

By Tim Inwood An old friend of mine, who is on the city council in my hometown, has given me the February 2009 copy of Risky Business , a newsletter put out by the Miami Valley Risk Management Association . He was concerned over comments made on the second page. Though the article is subtle, it is clearly an advocacy piece about a ruling with which they are unhappy. MVRMA seems to be bothered...

Major Victory for American Workers' Right to Self-Defense

On Wednesday February 18, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously in support of allowing employees to store legally owned firearms in locked, private motor vehicles while parked in employer parking lots. This decision upholds NRA-backed legislation passed in 2004.

My move to the Rebel Colonies, Pt.2: Living in America and buying my first handgun

Part I of this series, "Living in England disarmed", is available here . By Ray Butler In 2002, after marrying a lovely American lady in Northeastern Ohio, we went back to live in England. Over the years we traveled back and forth across the pond two or three times a year, especially in November for Thanksgiving. In May 2007, on our last vacation here, we decided to sell up and move to the USA...

"Zero Tolerance": Invasion of the Brain Snatchers

By Bruce A. Beatty Marie Morrow, Honors student, Young Marine, and Drill Team Commander at Cherokee Trail High School in Aurora, Colorado, knows how it feels. So does Jeffery Maxwell, and honorably discharged (I never did like the term "ex") Marine and veteran of the war on terror in Iraq. And, of all people, suspended Wisconsin schoolteacher Betsy Ramsdale. All have become the latest victims of...


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