Deja Vu: More muscle should have been flexed in the fight against Eric Holder

By Jeff Knox When Barack Obama announced that he intended to nominate Eric Holder to be his Attorney General, we at The Firearms Coalition launched an aggressive campaign to block the appointment and urged all other Second Amendment organizations to do likewise. Holder was Janet Reno's top deputy in the Clinton administration and has proven himself to be a radical opponent to the rights of...

Listen to David Kopel on Firearms Forum this Sunday at 10pm on 1420AM!

David Kopel is one of the leading voices in the pro-gun movement. And he'll be talking to Jim Irvine on the Firearms Forum radio show this coming Sunday. David is a research director at the Independence Institute and the author of No More Wacos: What's Wrong with Federal Law Enforcement and The Cowboy: Should America Adopt the Gun Controls of Other Democracies? He is an expert on firearms policy...

Op-Ed: The Brady Campaign to Prevent Civil Rights

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence hailed the 2008 presidential election as "a decisive victory for common sense gun laws." Sarah Brady said: "There is no indication that any candidate, at any level, lost their election because of their support for reasonable gun measures."[1] But what exactly qualifies as "common sense gun laws" or "reasonable gun measures?" A recent paper answered this...

Op-Ed: Stop This Man

By Ted Nugent One sector of the American economy that is booming is the absolute orgy of guns and ammunition sales. I am pretty certain President Obama will not say anything positive about this economic news. I have read more than one report that shows how the surge of civilian firepower sales began back when it appeared that Obama was likely to be elected. The already-brisk guns and ammo market...

Grants to Develop "WILD School Sites" Available

Project WILD-certified educators may apply to create outdoor classrooms on their school grounds COLUMBUS, OHIO - Ohio teachers who have successfully used Project WILD in their classrooms can now provide students additional hands-on learning about wildlife and habitat through grants available from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. Grants totaling $500 each will...

Republicans' attempt to remake party must include focus on Second Amendment

By Chad D. Baus While the major media focus continues to be on the Obama administration's infancy, the choosy newsreader can also find a number of stories covering various aspects of the Republican party's attempts to "rebrand" itself in the wake of major losses at the ballot box, both in Ohio and nationally, over the past two election cycles. As party leaders continue their soul-searching, they...

Ohio Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever Announce 2008 Habitat Accomplishments

Spend $1 million on habitat mission for third straight year; State Meeting this weekend Waldo, Ohio - For the third consecutive year, Ohio's Pheasants Forever (PF) and Quail Forever (QF) chapters have surpassed the $1 million mark in expenditures, spending $1,066,731 on the organization's wildlife habitat mission in 2008. Ohio PF/QF celebrated these accomplishments at the Annual Ohio PF/QF State...

Personal freedom begins with gun rights

By Gerard Valentino Of all the issues being debated in today's marketplace of opinion, one issue remains inviolate – the belief that everyone is free from bodily harm. Whether it takes the form of being beaten, murdered, raped or unfairly searched is irrelevant - any attack, no matter how placid, on a person's own body is, by definition, immoral. How that right is protected is where the true...


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