Op-Ed: A Theology of Hunting - Why God Loves Hunting & Hunters

By Doug Giles I understand it when the idolatrous PETA people who worship jackrabbits over Jesus get their panties in a wad over hunting. I expect it, I like it and—truth be told—I'd really miss it if they did not pop a blood vein in their forehead when smacked with the facts. However, lately I've been getting hate mail and weird looks from "Christians" who ardently believe that God, Jesus, Moses...

2009 SHOT Show in Orlando, Part 1: Mouse Guns

On January 15-18, Buckeye Firearms Association Central Ohio volunteer Clint Lake attended the 2009 SHOT Show in Orlando, FL. Following is Part 1 of a blog on his experience. By Clint Lake Greetings from the 2009 Shot Show in balmy Orlando, Florida! The good news is that it is warmer than in Ohio. I'm going to change the format this year for my blog and cover only the newest of firearms in these...

NRA Currently Accepting Youth Education Summit Applications

$30,000 in College Scholarships Available to Students FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA- The National Rifle Association is currently accepting applications from qualified high school sophomores and juniors to participate in the National Youth Education Summit (YES) from July 6-12, 2009. 40 outstanding students from across the United States are chosen each year to travel to the nation's capital, where they...

Day 1: President Obama officially declares war on your guns!

Within minutes of being sworn in yesterday, Obama posted a new White House website announcing the administration's declaration of war on American gun owners. Tucked away in the section on "Urban Policy," under the header "Crime and Law Enforcement," the White House website now states : Obama and Biden would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to...

They've been hiding for years, but Washington's gun ban extremists are baaaack

By Gerard Valentino Like cockroaches waiting for the lights to go out before scurrying out into the open, the anti-gunners have sulked in their little holes, feeding off political scraps while we were increasing the pro-gun footprint. While the anti-gunners hid, pro-gunners were so successful that only two states don't allow legal concealed carry. The anti-gun leadership absorbed their losses and...

First Shot from the 111th Congress

By Jeff Knox The 111th Congress got off to a predictable start on January 6 with the swearing in of the many new members and the introduction of a few pieces of legislation, including one of the most draconian gun control bills to be offered in years. No sooner were the new members of Congress sworn in than Representative Bobby Rush (D-IL), a former Black Panther leader, filed a bill, H.R. 45,...

The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 58 - 2009 Gun Ban Introduced

Taken from the most recent “Page Nine” Alan Korwin’s “The Uninvited Ombudsman Report” ---------- STARTERS Brady Gun Ban Plan: I have obtained the complete 16-page plan sent to Obama's transition team, with 26 specific "requests," posted here: http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/6383 So where's the pro-rights proposal? If the gun-rights community doesn't offer suggestions, all we can do is react...

Firearms safety education: Never too soon to start, never too late to learn

By Jim Irvine On Saturday, January 10, I was honored to be a guest speaker for a meeting of the Medina County Friends and Neighbors ( www.mcfan.org ). The topic was firearms - and despite heavy snow, icy roads and winter storm warnings, the group had a very healthy turnout. I started by having my 3 year-old son join me for a safety discussion. I asked him what he would do if he found a gun.


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.