LTE: The public protected in NRA permit move

January 14, 2009 Toledo Blade A guest editorial from the Columbus Dispatch titled "Kowtowing to the NRA" accuses Ohio lawmakers of caving in to pressure from the NRA to not pass a proposal to raise the fee for obtaining a concealed carry permit by almost 22 percent. In doing so, the editorial says the lawmakers have "failed to put the best interest of the taxpayers first." I strongly disagree.

Did the 2008 elections give gun control a mandate?

"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it." - Winston Churchill By Chad D. Baus In March 2008, a Gallup poll found that an overwhelming majority of the United States public—73%—believes that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of Americans to own firearms. Yet, to hear the Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence (formerly Handgun Control Inc.) tell it, America voted overwhelmingly...

USSA Combats False Impression Left by Newsweek Hunting Story

The United States Sportsmen's Alliance (USSA) is leading the way with a major effort to respond to a negative article on hunting that ran in the January 12, 2009 issue of Newsweek magazine. In order to combat the false impression left by the piece, the USSA reached out to groups and wildlife management professionals nationwide to rebut its flawed premise. The article, titled "It's Survival of the...

Barack Obama: The Outdoor Wire's "Gun Salesman of the Year"

By Jim Shepherd In recognition of the unprece­dented demand for firearms by nervous consumers, The Outdoor Wire has named President-elect Barack Obama its "Gun Salesman of the Year". For me, it was a simple fact of recognizing that without President-elect Obama's frightening consumers into action, the firearms industry might be suffering the same sort of business slumps that have befallen the...

Brady Gun-Ban Strategy Outlined

By Alan Korwin (Prior report with Brady/ Democrat gun-ban lists: ) The powerful gun-ban lobby has developed its own language to color and disguise its true agenda -- the disarming of law-abiding Americans in every way possible, and the end of effective self defense. Their latest set of plans -- used as a fund raiser (outlined below) -- is filled with nice...

America's free thinkers: Gun ban extremists or gun rights advocates?

By Gerard Valentino It's almost understandable why members of the media end up as apologists for the immoral agenda to ban guns. They see the after-effects of violence perpetrated with guns more than just about any other demographic group in America. Still, they are supposed to act as professionals and use sound logic in determining if guns are the problem, or if gun violence is simply a symptom...

Ohio gun rights improved in 2008; Much more still to be done

By Jim Irvine Recently I helped our treasurer go through line by line all our donations for a campaign finance report. It struck me how many of you had donated, and how much some people donated. Thank you. It means a great deal that you put such trust in our group of leaders - who I promise will continue to work and earn that trust. Our educational corporation, Buckeye Firearms Foundation has...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.