Obama and the Second Amendment

By John R. Lott, Jr. Despite a huge Democratic Senate majority, Eric Holder's confirmation hearings are going to be difficult. He has a long record to defend. Whether it is his involvement and inconsistent statements about Bill Clinton's pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich or his pushing Clinton's clemency of the FALN terrorists or his failure to disclose his work for troubled Illinois...

Important message for AOL USERS ...

We've learned that AOL has been blocking our e-mail for some time now. We don't know why this is happening. If you subscribed to our newsletter with an AOL address, please UNSUBSCRIBE your current AOL address and RESUBSCRIBE with a different address. Two easy and free options to get a new e-mail address are Gmail and Yahoo mail . Either one will let you check your mail online and AOL will not be...

All Politicians are not the Same - an Interview with Congressman Steve Austria

By Gerard Valentino Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman Jim Irvine is fond of saying that all politicians are not the same, despite people's belief to the contrary. As proof that not all politicians are the same, Buckeye Firearms Association has set up interviews with pro-gun legislators, and other elected officials who believe strongly in the right to bear arms. In this installment we cover...

Anti-gun Columbus Dispatch continues editorial tirade

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience...

Politically Corrected Glossary of Terms about Guns and the Right to Bear Arms

By Alan Korwin

Part One -- The Concept

Certain words hurt you when you talk about your rights and liberties. People who would deny your rights have done a good job of manipulating the language so far.

Without even realizing it, you're probably using terms that actually help the people who want to disarm you.

To preserve, protect and defend your rights in the critical debate on where power should reside in America, you need effective word choices. Try out some of the ideas in this chart the next time you deal with this subject.

2009-10 Hunting Regulations Proposed to Ohio Wildlife Council

Statewide muzzleloader season would move to January COLUMBUS, OH - Ohio sportsmen may notice a few changes in next year's hunting and trapping regulations, based on proposals presented January 7 to the Ohio Wildlife Council by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. September 1 is again proposed as the kick-off date for the state's fall hunting seasons--with the...

Gun Sales Continue to Increase

24 Percent Jump in December Amid Gun-Owner Concerns NEWTOWN, Conn. -- Despite a weak economy, gun sales are continuing to increase amid concerns that incoming lawmakers will institute a new gun ban on law-abiding Americans. Data derived from the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) show a 24 percent increase in firearm purchaser background checks for the month of...

Democrats' proposed gun ban list revealed

By Alan Korwin Slipping below the radar (or under the short-term memory cap), the Democrats have already leaked a gun-ban list, even under the Bush administration when they knew full well it had no chance of passage (HR 1022, 110th Congress). It serves as a framework for the new list the Bradys plan to introduce shortly.


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.