Gun rights groups score collective victory for sportsmen with defeat of HB446 & HB223

By Larry S. Moore The Columbus Dispatch reported recently that the defeat of HB446, the so-called "puppy mill" bill that sought to increase fees and impose new regulations on dog breeders and kennel owners, had ruffled some feathers in the Statehouse. Although the Dispatch acknowledges that the U.S. Sportsman's Alliance had been long-engaged in the debate, reporter Jim Siegel editorializes in his...

California's Bad Santa exposes the complete and utter failure of gun control laws

This article is also being featured United States Concealed Carry Association's website . By Chad D. Baus News of a man dressing up in a Santa suit and murdering nine people in Los Angeles on Christmas Eve dominated cable news headlines for days after the event. News reports suggest Bruce Pardo took as many as four handguns and a homemade flame-thrower to the home of his ex-wife's parents, where...

Exposed: The gun ban lobby's secret letter to college and university administrators

By Stephen J. Feltoon Recently, a handful of people forwarded me a letter that was sent from the President of as well as Toby Hoover (Executive Director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence) and whose recipient is unknown because the address has been redacted. The content and context of the letter indicates that it was sent to a college in Ohio (more likely it was sent to...

More on Mumbai - What We Think

By Gabe Suarez 1). On what to do - Some folks think we are advocating running into the fight screaming with a knife in one hand and a snubby in the other. I'm not sure where that comes from, as it has never been suggested and is quite silly when you think about it. Still, an aggressive counter attack at the outset of the incident seems to be a better option than hiding and hoping to go undetected...

Merry Christmas from Buckeye Firearms Association

Merry Christmas to one and all from all of us at Buckeye Firearms Association. Our best gift is the friendship and support given by each of you throughout the year. As we reflect on the year’s passing, we count our many blessings, remember our losses, and give thanks for those who helped us through it all. We each need to take time to appreciate our friends and family during this special time of...

Hunters give the gift of 134,000 meals for needy Ohioans

COLUMBUS, OH – Ohio deer hunters have donated more than 33,550 pounds of venison to local food banks so far this deer season, according to Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry (FHFH) and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. The 33,550 pounds equals approximately 134,000 meals for needy Ohioans. Last year FHFH collected 20,902 pounds of venison through the entire...

Poor weather hampers deer harvest on extra gun weekend

COLUMBUS, OH - Hunters killed 16,382 deer on December 20-21, during the weekend of gun hunting, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. The extra weekend of gun hunting was first offered in 2006 in response to hunters' request for additional weekend days to pursue white-tailed deer, the state's number one big game animal. In 2007, hunters took 17,710...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.