Ohio Sportsmen Should Say No to “Puppy Mill” and Vaccine Bills

U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance Sportsmen Alert! Ohio hunters should be on high alert. The state House of Representatives, which is under intense pressure from animal rights groups and the media, is considering passing legislation creating a new state agency to regulate dog breeders and kennel owners. The proponents claim House Bill 223 would only affect “puppy mills” but instead it would eliminate...

Op-Ed: The Life-and-Death Cost of Gun Control

By John R. Lott, Jr. Banning guns is in the news. India practically bans guns, but that didn't stop the horrific Muslim terrorist attacks this last week. A football player concerned for his safety violates New York City's tough gun control regulations by carrying a concealed handgun, and people call for everything from banning NFL players from carrying guns to demanding that the athlete serve...

HB450 (Armed Services 18-21 gun rights restoration) scheduled for third hearing & possible vote in Senate committee

The Senate Judiciary on Criminal Justice Committee, chaired by Sen. Tim Grendell (R-18), will hear proponent, opponent and interested party testimony on Rep. Bruce Goodwin's HB450 , legislation that would restore gun rights to members of the armed services or the Ohio National Guard who are between the ages of 18 and 21, on Wednesday, December 10 at 9:00 a.m. in the Senate Building's North...

Lessons from Black Friday in Mumbai

By Gerard Valentino Most Americans transfixed by Black Friday sales at the local discount megamart completely ignored the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India. Sadly, it’s learning from such tragedies that might save your life someday. For those not familiar with the story, terrorists fighting for an independent Kashmir stormed several high profile hotels and other locations in Mumbai , resulting...

White-tailed Deer Hunters Score on Opening Day of Gun Season

Statewide harvest up 70 percent from 2007 COLUMBUS, OH - Ohio hunters were on the mark for opening day of the 2008 deer-gun season. Hunters took 33,034 white-tailed deer on Monday, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. The deer-gun season remains open through Sunday, December 7, and then reopens for two days on Saturday and Sunday, December 20-21. The...

Firearms Industry Launches Blog to Address Inaccuracies Surrounding Firearms

NEWTOWN, Conn. -- The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) -- the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry -- has launched a blog aimed at hunting down and correcting inaccuracies about firearms and the firearms industry. The blog, titled "Aiming for Accuracy," is updated regularly with news, links and other helpful resources designed to promote...

The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 56

Taken from the most recent “Page Nine” Alan Korwin’s “The Uninvited Ombudsman Report” ---------- 1- Backdoor Ammo Bans The lamestream media told you: "I respect the Second Amendment," according to Barack "Hope" Obama, Joe "Gun-Friend" Biden, and all politicians running for office from both parties. The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that: The anti-rights candidates have so far refused to...

Handguns are for deer

By Larry S. Moore I recently enjoyed an opportunity to film several segments for the ODNR Division of Wildlife “Wild Ohio” television show. The show appears on PBS stations across Ohio. The segments were filmed at the Spring Valley Wildlife Area Range in southern Greene County. Division of Wildlife District 5 Manager Todd Haines was the host for the segments. The topic was handgun hunting for...


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