Road to Victory Rally with Buckeye Firearms Association-endorsee Sarah Palin in Bowling Green, OH

Governor Sarah Palin, candidate for Vice President and 2008 Buckeye Firearms Association-endorsee , will appear at a Road to Victory Rally, Friday, October 29th at Bowling Green State University's Perry Field House in Bowling Green, Ohio. Doors open at 8:15am. [UPDATE: Another appearance has been added for Wednesday in Chillicothe!] Road to Victory Rally with Sarah Palin-Bowling Green, OH Bowling...

Obama's "Joe the Hunter" moment has finally come

By Chad D. Baus Barack Obama has voted for or supported some of the most extreme gun control measures ever attempted in our nation. And yet, with the help of his media accomplices, the Democrat has managed to lull some gun owners into complacency, just as he has managed to lull many hard-working, red-blooded American workers into complacency by obscuring his socialist economic agenda. Thanks to...

Buckeye Firearms Assoc. responds to Ohio Democrats' anti-gun attack with Sunday newspaper ad

Last week, Buckeye Firearms Association exposed Chairman Chris Redfern and the Ohio Democratic Party financing of two deceptive anti-gun mailers attacking State Representative Ross McGregor's vote for Ohio's Castle Doctrine bill, SB184. We pointed out that 75 percent of the Ohio General Assembly voted in favor of this law, which ensures Ohioans' right to defend themselves and their children from...

Op-Ed: Obama and the Attempt to Destroy the Second Amendment

By David T. Hardy As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama must demonstrate executive experience, but he remains strangely silent about his eight years (1994-2002) as a director of the Joyce Foundation, a billion dollar tax-exempt organization. He has one obvious reason: during his time as director, Joyce Foundation spent millions creating and supporting anti-gun organizations. There is another...

Ohio Democratic Party Chairman continues attacks on Ohio gun owners

Benedict Redfern Strikes Again; Chokes on Obama's Kool-Aid By John Salyers There's nothing like a good knock down, drag out Presidential race to bring out politicians' true colors, and the colors of Ohio Democratic Party Chairman and State Representative Chris Redfern are turning darker by the hour. Earlier this week, Buckeye Firearms Association launched a campaign in support of our endorsee...

'We're lying, and you can't catch us'

By L. Dietle Truthfulness and forthrightness matter. When a presidential candidate and his running mate camouflage their actual positions to garner votes from the uninformed, it is appalling. When the mainstream media covers up the deception to promote their preferred candidates, it is outrageous. We have a right to know what the candidates' true positions are, from their own mouths, and any...

Ender’s Shadow Looms Over U.S. Media

By Ken Hanson, Esq. Orson Scott Card has an excellent essay on the sorry state of U.S. Media posted at Greesnboro, N.C.'s RhinoTimes, entitled "Would the Last Honest Reporter Please Turn On the Lights?" It is an excellent examination of what the media is telling (and not telling) the public this election cycle. He takes it a step forward in a follow-up essay looking at the current history of...

NRA's latest TV ad to air in ten battleground states

Hitting the airwaves in Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin... Per ABC reporter Jake Tapper's Political Punch : The ad refers to a 2003 incident when a Wilmette, Ill., restaurateur named Hale DeMar shot and wounded a burglar who broke into his house. DeMar was prosecuted by the town of Wilmette, which had, at the time, a ban...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.