Brady Backs Barack - Will Anti-Gun Group's Endorsement Help Or Hurt?

Anti-Gun-Rights Candidate Could Gut "Heller" Decision By Alan Korwin Now that Barack Obama has received the endorsement of the Brady Campaign gun-control group, will the Supreme Court's findings in the D.C. gun-ban "Heller" case matter? That's the question experts are asking in the wake of Obama's 11th-hour support from America's leading gun-ban advocates. The late-date endorsement was...

Op-Ed: American Gun Owner = Trained Jihadist

The Uighur saga provides a window on Obama-style counterterrorism. By Andrew C. McCarthy Are you a bitter clinger? One of those American gun owners belittled by Sen. Barack Obama, filled with antipathy for people who aren’t like you? You know, people like foreign Muslims whose idea of a few weeks’ vacation is a course of paramilitary training at an al-Qaeda-affiliated camp? Well, if you are, you’...

Four Road to Victory Rallies with Buckeye Firearms Association-endorsee Sarah Palin in Ohio

Governor Sarah Palin, candidate for Vice President and 2008 Buckeye Firearms Association-endorsee , will appear at three Road to Victory Rallies, Wednesday, October 22nd in Green, Cincinnati and Findlay, and another in Troy on Thursday, October 23rd.

FLASH: Anti-Castle Doctrine mailer attacking Buckeye Firearms Assoc. endorsee paid for by Ohio Democratic Party

Earlier this year, State Representative Ross McGregor and 75 percent of the Ohio General Assembly voted in favor of your right to defend yourself and your children from violent criminals - criminals who don't care about "No Guns" signs. Now the Ohio Democratic Party is attacking McGregor, a Republican, for siding with victims who don't want to be helpless if they or their children are violently...

Open Letter to Nation's Sportsmen Regarding Obama's History in the Illinois Senate

The following is the text of an open letter to the nation's hunters and sportsmen issued today by Illinois State Rifle Association Executive Director Richard Pearson: Fellow Sportsman, Hello, my name is Rich Pearson and I have been active in the firearm rights movement for over 40 years. For the past 15 years, I have served in the Illinois state capitol as the chief lobbyist for the Illinois...

More good news for the good guys: New FBI crime data proves gun grabbers wrong

This article also appears this week at . By Jim Irvine and Chad D. Baus According to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence (and other supporters of Barack Obama's presidential campaign), "more guns = more crime." The logical conclusion they hope lawmakers reach is that guns should be banned, or at least be severely restricted. But changes to gun laws over the past five...

Two hours for gun rights: A gorgeous autumn afternoon (and a Great Dane)

EDITOR'S NOTE: Earlier this month, Buckeye Firearms Association Legislative Chair Ken Hanson wrote an article entitled "Ohio Voting Has Begun – What Have You Done For A Pro-Gun Candidate Today?" , saying "Buckeye Firearms Association believes that every effort must be made to aid pro-gun candidates, whatever office. Please feel free to submit your own stories, which we will run periodically to...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.