After Years of Stonewalling, New Orleans Mayor Admits Illegal Gun Confiscation, Settles with NRA

Fairfax, VA - After a three-year legal battle over the unconstitutional confiscation of lawfully owned firearms, the City of New Orleans has agreed to settle a law suit by the National Rifle Association (NRA). A permanent injunction has been issued against the city, Mayor Ray Nagin and current Police Chief Warren Riley. The Second Amendment Foundation assisted NRA in the legal battle against...

Ohio Gets Proactive in Addressing School Shooters

By Ken Hanson Readers of this website know I have written frequently (see here and here and here ) on the subject of School Shooters. To me, it has always been a simple equation: 1.) You will never prevent school shootings, 2.) School shooters are on a one way trip and desire martyrdom, and 3.) The most effective response to a school shooter will come from the folks being shot at. While I am...

Obama campaign unlawfully misuses proprietary firearms industry media list

NEWTOWN, Conn. – The Obama campaign in Indiana, on September 27, unlawfully obtained and made unauthorized use of a proprietary media list belonging to the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) – the trade association for the firearms industry. Sen. Obama used this list to e-mail a press release concerning National Hunting and Fishing Day. On October 8, NSSF sent a “cease and desist” letter...

NRA endorses John McCain and Sarah Palin for President and Vice-President

The Associated Press is reporting that the National Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund PAC is endorsing Republican presidential nominee John McCain and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for Vice President. Buckeye Firearms Association Northeast Ohio Chair Rick Kaleda attended the Pittsburg, PA rally Thursday morning where this announcement was first made. According to the AP, NRA Executive Vice...

President of Obama's fake gun group admits partisan origins at poorly-attended rally

The president of faux gun group American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA), Ray Schoenke, appeared in Coshocton Tuesday before what is described by the Zanesville Times-Recorder as a "strong showing by the United Mine Workers Association". In fact, the newspaper reveals only about "a dozen people listened to him speak," turnout which does an excellent job of demonstrating the lack of...

"Supreme Court Hangs On Election": Do you feel lucky?

By Chad D. Baus Supporters of Barack Obama's attempt to rewrite the history of his anti-gun record say voters need not worry about losing their gun rights, thanks to the great victory Second Amendment advocates enjoyed in District of Columbia v. Heller . Leaving aside for a moment questions over why Obama, who now claims to agree with the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision, spoke in favor of the D.C...

Senator McCain Addresses Ohio Sportsmen (Full Transcript)

By Larry S. Moore A record crowd of 1300 sportsmen converged on Columbus, Ohio for the annual U.S. Sportsmen Alliance's 12th Annual "Save Our Heritage Rally" on September 27. In addition to the opportunity to win new firearms or perhaps that dream hunting or fishing trip (or 20 acres of hunting ground!), many also came to hear Senator John McCain, the Republican Presidential candidate. The...


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