Barack FACT: Obama joined former terrorist and friend Bill Ayers on stage in 1997 to fight crime bill

Buckeye Firearms Association endorsee and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin delivered headlines across America this weekend by drawing attention to Illinois Sen. Barack Obama's long-time connections to unrepentant former terrorist Bill Ayers. Obama's campaign surrogates at the New York Times is attempting to pass off the connection as nothing more than "crossed paths" and "casual encounters...

Barack "LIES": GOP responds to new Obama ad claiming support for hunting rights & self-defense

“Barack Obama is running TV ads about guns without telling the national media because he knows they would never pass a credible fact check. Obama is the most anti-gun candidate for President in American history. He consistently worked to undermine Second Amendment rights, which is why respected pro-gun groups are harshly critical of him. Obama owes it to voters to be more upfront and honest about...

Attorney General announces Second Quarter 2008 CHL statistics

Improvements to law spark continued surge in demand for concealed handgun licenses By Jim Irvine The Ohio Attorney General’s office has released the concealed handgun license (CHL) statistics for the second quarter of 2008. Demand continues to be strong. It was the fifth straight quarter that demand increased over the same period a year prior Ohio is now into its fifth year of licensing citizens...

Undeterred: "NRA plans a wider ad assault on Barack Obama in battleground states"

Despite threats of lawsuits from the Obama campaign, termed by a campaign finance expert as "frightening" and "dangerous" , the National Rifle Association has announced that it is about to turn up the volume on its campaign against Barack Obama by airing more commercials taking him to task over his anti-gun record.

Ohio Voting Has Begun – What Have You Done For A Pro-Gun Candidate Today?

By Ken Hanson Absentee and same day voting has begun in Ohio. Perhaps you have seen the videos of the community organizers picking up drunk and homeless people in Ohio and running them to the polls to vote for Obama , or about poll observers being turned away from polling places ? Buckeye Firearms Association believes that every effort must be made to aid pro-gun candidates, whatever office...

SAF National Gun Rights Policy Conference: Gun Rights Proponents Meet as Absentee Voting Begins

By Ken Hanson The Second Amendment Foundation's (SAF) National Gun Rights Policy Conference was held at the beautiful Sheraton Crescent Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona this past weekend. I had the honor of attending on behalf of Buckeye Firearms Association and was one of the presenters during the state rights panel. This three-day conference served as a final “pep rally” as pro-gun teams headed into...

Obama says gun owners are bitter clingers; Supporter now says we're racist anti-Semites

By Chad D. Baus Barack Obama had not yet locked up the nomination for his party when he revealed his true feelings about gun owners to attendees of a private fund raiser in San Francisco last April : “You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them,” Obama said. “And they fell through...

Family vacation – a lesson in other state gun laws

By Jim Irvine I just finished a family vacation traveling through and spending time in several states including West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania. It is interesting what is legal or illegal as you travel across state lines. I have concealed carry licenses from Ohio and Florida which allowed me to carry in each mentioned state, except...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.