Ray Schoenke's American Hunters and Shooters Assoc. receives frigid reception in the Buckeye State

Ray Schoenke, president of fake gun group American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA), received a cold reception from Ohioans during a swing through the state to campaign for former Joyce Foundation board member Barack Obama, and judging by a follow-up press release, he is still feeling the sting. On Wednesday, September 17, Buckeye Firearms Association published a story detailing how AHSA...

FactCheck.org in the tank for Obama over NRA ads

Analysis: Fact-Checkers Fall Short in Criticizing NRA's Anti-Obama Ads By John R. Lott, Jr. Guns have become an important issue for Barack Obama's campaign. Starting around the Pennsylvania primary, Obama and his campaign surrogates began strenuously assuring gun owners that he supports gun ownership, and it appears to be paying off. A poll in August showed that John McCain only led Obama among...

Radical anti-hunting organization endorses Obama for President

"If we could shut down all sport hunting in a moment, we would." – Wayne Pacelle, who is currently President and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), to the Associated Press, 1991. “Our goal is to get sport hunting in the same category as cock fighting and dog fighting. Our opponents say that hunting is a tradition. We say traditions can change.” - Wayne Pacelle, who is...

Buckeye Firearms Association Endorses Sarah Palin for Vice President of the United States

Buckeye Firearms Association is proud to make its first-ever endorsement in a Presidential race, and announces the endorsement of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for Vice President of the United States. Sarah Palin is more familiar with the Second Amendment issues important to average American gun owners than any Vice Presidential (or Presidential) candidate in decades. She doesn't wear gun rights on...

Australian media covers election angle Ohio media ignores: "Ohio voters warn Obama on gun control"

By Chad D. Baus While the Ohio media fawns over a recent visit from Ray Schoenke, President of the fake gun group known as American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA) , the Australian Broadcasting Corporation has done the job of providing a much better look at how the gun issue is hurting the campaign of Barack Obama in the Buckeye state.

Value of Directly-Elected Judges Proven Once Again in Clyde Case

By Ken Hanson, Esq. Nationwide there has been a great debate over “merit selection” of judges versus direct election of judges, driven largely by the role that campaign money plays in judicial elections, and the taint casted upon judicial impartiality as a result. Ohio is not immune to this discussion, and Chief Justice Moyer has been a nationwide leader in the quest to strip citizens of the...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.