The McCain-Palin ticket: A good choice for gun owners

By Tim Inwood This has been a most unusual political year for me--unusual in that I was having trouble working up real enthusiasm for the Republican nominee after the primary season, as I thrive on politics. But I had little joy this time. I will confess John McCain was not my first pick, nor even my second or third choice, in the primary process. His record on guns has not been good enough for...

Lott Op-Ed: Obama's gun ban rhetoric - For it before being against it, now no longer for it

By John R. Lott Jr. Sen. Barack Obama's campaign just won't let the gun issue rest. Mr. Obama and his campaign surrogates continue to assure gun owners that he is on their side, and it appears to be paying off. John McCain only leads Mr. Obama among hunters by 14 percentage points, just about half the 27-point lead that President Bush held over John Kerry in 2004. If Mr. McCain had a similar lead...

McCain taps pro-gun/ pro-hunting Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as running mate

According to , a top aide to Senator John McCain says Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has been chosen by the Arizona senator as his running mate. As a child, Palin reportedly used to rise at 3 a.m. with her father to go moose hunting before school. Today she is the married mother of five who enjoys hunting, fishing, and snowmobiling. Oh, and her favorite meal is moose stew.

Obama acceptance speech imagines divisions between Ohio gun owners; Campaign materials prove his ignorance about guns

By Chad D. Baus Gun owners in Ohio were given attention from former Joyce Foundation board member Barack Obama in his acceptance speech at Invesco Field in Denver on Thursday, and his comments, while short, are sure to draw renewed attention to his ignorance about firearms.

Gun Control: Using Children for Political Ends

[Note: story updated May 27, 2009 at request of author] By Howard Nemerov The death of a child is horrible and painful, and any decent person would do whatever it takes to save that life. How could an organization called the Children's Defense Fund (CDF) possibly have an agenda that could result in more child fatalities? A recent report by the CDF leads with: "Firearm Deaths Among Children and...

Ohio Congressman Bob Latta joins Sportsmen for McCain Steering Committee; Obama scores another faux gunnie

Special thanks to Michelle Malkin and for passing this story on to their many readers. By Chad D. Baus U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign recently announced the National Steering Committee of the Sportsmen for McCain coalition. Included on that list are two prominent Ohioans - Michael Budzik, the former chief of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of...

DNC Denver Acceptance Speech Special: Obama's Five Mile Gun Store Exclusion

This information originally appeared on the Sportsmen For Obama? blog. In 1999 Obama suggested a law that would prevent all gun stores within a five mile radius of schools and parks (See Obama's Draconian Gun Control ). In the following map, the white area is the calculated exclusion zone along the I-25 corridor around Denver and farther north and south along the highway to the borders of...


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