The future of Gun Control, or "It isn’t over till its over"

By Jeff Riley On June 26th, 2008 the Supreme Court of the United States of America announced the long anticipated decision in the District of Columbia vs. Heller. Writing for the majority, Justice Anthony Scalia stated, in part: The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditional lawful purposes, such as...

Washington, D.C. and Mayor Fenty still hate guns

By Brian S. Stewart Mayor Adrian Fenty and the anti-gun elites of Washington D.C. recently unveiled the district’s inevitable response to the historic D.C. v. Heller decision by the United States Supreme Court. The Court struck down the District’s blanket ban on handgun ownership (including inside the home) en route to establishing the Second Amendment as an individual right. On July 14th, the...

The Uninvited Ombudsman Report - No. 49

Taken from the most recent “Page Nine” Alan Korwin’s “The Uninvited Ombudsman Report” 1- Hero Joe Horn The lamestream media told you: Joe Horn, a 62-year-old Texas man, was cleared by a grand jury of murder charges in the shotgun slaying of two men on his property. Horn, who loaded his shotgun while on the phone with a 911 operator, clearly said he was going to kill the young men, and then the...

Victim Zones: We have to move the goal posts

By Gerard Valentino Two more businesses where legal concealed carry is banned were robbed last week in Ohio. A BMV office on the east side of Columbus (a victim zone by statute) was robbed on the same day as a branch of Fifth Third Bank, which is a "gun free" zone due to the company’s private policy. Clearly, it doesn’t matter why concealed carry is forbidden at a location, because the results...

BOOK REVIEW: “Hunting as a Right of Passage” by Dr. Randall Eaton

By Larry S. Moore I often look at books and studies relating to hunting, trapping or Second Amendment issues. Some are saved for possible reference; most are skimmed and discarded, while occasionally the author really grabs my attention. Perhaps this is because the author is breaking new ground, presenting the facts and conclusion in a fresh manner, or even just reaffirming values that were...


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