Twinsburg police officer killed in the line of duty

The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported on Monday that a Twinsburg police officer had been killed in the line of duty. From the story: On Sunday, [suspect Ashford] Thompson was arrested without incident at a Cambridge Drive home where he used to live, Bedford Heights Police Chief Tim Kalavsky said. ...They arrested him at 2:41 a.m., less than an hour after police say [police officer Joshua] Miktarian...

Editorial: Keep it simple on guns

The District government appears to be headed for disaster as it prepares to craft policies to regulate handgun registration and licensing in response to the Supreme Court's decision declaring unconstitutional the city's absolute ban. A hearing last week clearly showed that most members on the D.C. City Council want regulations tailored to discourage, to the point of infringement, the ownership of...

Post-Heller Congressional Action On "Second Amendment Enforcement Act"

...Following the Supreme Court's favorable Heller decision, city officials in Washington, D.C. have been planning to obstruct D.C. citizens from exercising their right to keep and bear arms, despite the Supreme Court's clear statements. And some in Congress are planning to do something about it. On Thursday [July 10], Representative Mark Souder (R-Ind.) introduced H. Res. 1331, a rule to govern...

Headline: Second Amendment Talk Highlights First Shot Ceremony

The Ottawa County Beacon is reporting that attendees to the First Shot Ceremony for the 2008 National Rifle and Pistol Championships at Camp Perry were treated to more than just a band concert, a parachute jump that delivered the American Flag and a fly-over by a pair of F-16's from the 180th Ohio National Guard Tactical Fighter Wing from Toledo. They were also treated to a celebration of the...

Dept. of Interior stalls decision for Right-to-Carry in National Parks and Wildlife Refuges

Department of the Interior Extends Deadline for Comments Regarding Right-to-Carry in National Parks and Wildlife Refuges Until August 8 Like a quarterback taking a knee in the fourth quarter, two of Congress's most ardent opponents of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms are trying to run out the clock on efforts to enhance your right to self-defense in our national parks and wildlife refuges. For two...

Buckeye Firearms Assoc.'s Ken Hanson receives NRA-ILA Defender of Justice Award

Chris Conte-NRA-ILA, Ken Hanson-BFA The National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) has awarded Buckeye Firearms Association Legislative Chair Ken Hanson, Esq. with its Defender of Justice Award. The award, which was given at the NRA's Annual Meetings in Louisville, KY, recognizes Hanson for his extensive pro-bono work to improve and defend gun rights. Attorney Ken...

John Lott's Reaction to D.C. Gun Ban Decision

By John R. Lott, Jr. The Supreme Court's decision Thursday affirming that people have a right to own guns evoked all sorts of reactions. Let's just go through a few of them. 1) One of the strangest was Barack Obama's claim that the court had essentially confirmed what had been his positions all along. Telling the FOX Business Network...that he had "said consistently that I believe that the Second...


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