Wishful thinking: Congressional Quarterly blogger says guns now a “non-issue” in campaigns

By Brian S. Stewart The landmark Supreme Court ruling in D.C. v. Heller delivered a knockout blow to “collective” rights theorists in the anti-gun community. It put into jeopardy blanket handgun bans in Chicago, San Francisco, and other municipalities, and is without a doubt a victory for gun owners. And as if on cue, anti-gun editorialists and the mainstream media are rushing to declare the...

Windy City – A Mayor Carries on the Tradition

By Gerard Valentino It may surprise many people to learn that Chicago's nickname of "Windy City" doesn’t come from the winds that blow off Lake Michigan during the harsh winters, but rather from the windy debates that take place among the city’s political players. After the United States Supreme Court ruled that Washington D.C.'s outright gun ban was unconstitutional, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley...

Erie County concealed handgun license-holder cleared of all charges

Buckeye Firearms Association is pleased to report that an Erie County concealed handgun license (CHL) -holder recently had all pending felony charges against him dismissed by the Prosecutor. In order to protect this innocent man’s identity, he will not be identified by name, and identifiable items will be deleted from this story. We will simply refer to this person as Publius. Publius is an Ohio...

Some Ohio law enforcement officers continue to demonstrate ignorance about Open Carry

"Our government... teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy." - Louis D. Brandeis "We the People grant law enforcement their limited power and authority, not vice versa." - Ken Hanson, Esq. By Chad D. Baus Just over two weeks ago, Buckeye Firearms Assocation...

Independence Day 2008

With the upcoming holiday, let's look at what it might mean to some people…a day off with pay, just a day off, family, friends, cookouts, reunions or just a day to lounge and watch the fireworks. As for me, I think of our Constitution, our founding fathers, our Bill of Rights, our military men and women who are performing their duties to protect our freedom. “FREEDOM”. We...

Heller: A great ruling with many ramifications

By Tim Inwood On Thursday June 26th the Earth trembled. No it was not an earthquake but the collective thud of thousands of anti gun activists, fainting dead away after realizing their life’s work had just been flushed into the Potomac River. On that day the United States Supreme Court made history, they finally handed down a ruling saying the Second Amendment does indeed recognize an individual...

Op-Ed: Heller decision - Deeper Analysis

"Strictest Scrutiny" Found in the Fine Print Many Other Assets Revealed After Study By Alan Korwin Do NOT gratuitously yield ground on any points that may be debatable -- take the highest ground concerning what the Heller decision means, and make the antis fight uphill against you. You may be right despite your own doubts. In my haste to post an initial review of the Heller decision, many juicy...

Report: NRA Plans $40M Fall Blitz Targeting Obama

By Jonathan Martin The Politico The National Rifle Association plans to spend about $40 million on this year’s campaign, with $15 million of that devoted to portraying Barack Obama as a threat to the Second Amendment rights upheld last week by the Supreme Court. “Our members understand that if Barack Obama is elected president, and he has support in the Senate to confirm anti-gun Supreme Court...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.