Op-Ed: Obama's Dodge on Handguns

By Robert D. Novak After months of claiming he had insufficient information to express an opinion on the District of Columbia's gun law, Barack Obama noted with apparent approval Thursday that the Supreme Court ruled that the 32-year ban on handguns "went too far." But what would he have said had the high court's 5 to 4 majority gone the other way and affirmed the law? Obama's strategists can...

Lead attorney in DC v. Heller case to speak in Cleveland

The City Club and the Cleveland Lawyers' Chapter of the Federalist Society will have a forum on gun possession at noon July 7 at the City Club in Cleveland. Attorney Alan Gura, who represented Dick Anthony Heller in his case against the District of Columbia, will discuss its implications and his role in the historic Second Amendment ruling. To attend, register no later than Wednesday, July 2...

Buckeye Firearms Association participates in filming of FX reality show

30 Days segment, filmed in Ohio, airs tonight The reality show 30 Days , produced by Morgan Spurlock of 'Super Size Me' fame, was filmed in Ohio last August and early September. The segment is titled, 'Gun Nation'. 30 Days derives the name from the show's premise of taking someone out of their normal environment and placing them into an opposite situation. In this case, the show takes an anti-gun...

Ken Hanson explains Supreme Court ruling on WBNS-10TV

Buckeye Firearms Association Legislative Chair Ken Hanson recently appeared on the WBNS-10TV show "Capital Square" to explain the meaning and implications of the recent Supreme Court ruling on guns. He answered questions about cities regulating guns, future court cases, and what the ruling means for Ohio law. Click here to watch the video.

Gun groups file Second Amendment lawsuits in Illinois and California following Supreme Court ruling

Compiled from NRA and CCRKBA press releases Following up on [Thursday's] Supreme Court ruling that the Second Amendment protects a private right to possess firearms that is not limited to militia service, the NRA [Friday] filed five lawsuits challenging local gun bans in San Francisco, and in Chicago and several of its suburbs. “The Supreme Court held yesterday that the Second Amendment right is...

And another one gone...Anti-self-defense Betty Montgomery reiterates she will not run for Attorney General

By Chad D. Baus It appears that the storm warnings sounded on this website in recent weeks about anti-gun candidates considering a run in this fall's special election for Attorney General seem to be having an effect. Earlier this month, the potential Republican campaigns of former U.S. Sen. Mike DeWine and Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O'Brien bit the dust . Now comes news that one more high-...

Supreme Court ruling on Second Amendment sends liberal media into temper tantrum

Whhaaaaaaa! Hear that? That's the national media throwing a temper tantrum over the Supreme Court ruling that the Second Amendment does in fact protect an individual right to own firearms. No, the Second Amendment is not limited to those in a militia. No, it's not merely a collective right. No, it's not just about 200-year-old muskets. The Justices said clearly and unequivocally that the Second...

FLASH: Gun rights groups file suit to end unconstitutional Chicago gun ban!

Attorney Alan Gura, on behalf of a coalition of the Second Amendment Foundation and several Chicago Residents, filed suit this morning against the City of Chicago, challenging that city’s draconian gun ban laws. You can view a copy of the complaint here . This suit is the necessary and logical second step towards restoring the Second Amendment as a viable force in American law. As you read from...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.